


Never give attention to those laughing at you. By the way, you likely may not have heard over 85% of what has been negatively said about you.
When you are getting better, they will say you are proud.
When things are tough, they will say, you are a failure.

Don't compete..don't try to prove any point. It is of no use trying to fight with your past. Sometimes the less distracted you are by not belonging to today's reigning class, the better for you.
whenever you feel like giving up, remember that there are people waiting to celebrate your downfall. They will say, 'i knew he/she will not amount to anything'. So i don't know what your case is right now. There is always hope for the fellow that is optimistic.

Hustle...become good in something till you become an authority. Even when you become successful in that thing, aim higher till someday, the whole world can know your name.
Also make sure that you are not among those pulling others down. That person you are looking down on today, can become someone you may have to look up to tomorrow.
Remember, i value you and see great potential in you.

So stop beating up yourself because others don't see what God is molding within you. Keep the hustle alive. Someday it will pay off big time.

#Rel_Nation ✌️ ✌️ ✌️
#Gbevu_Boys 🎤 🎤 🎤
#GoodMusik 🎶 🎶 🎶

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