

that withered rose
"it's still in the midpage of my biology book " i told rashi as she was sitting right beside me sipping coffee. the rose that he gave lost its colour, lost its fragrance, but those pure soothing memories flash back freshly everytime i see that withered rose. i still remember the day i was going through the lane and suddenly a voice stopped me. I paused for a while and i turn back, i saw raghav coming, his every step toward me is making my heart beat faster. I was shivering, he asked me what happened and i just ignored this by saying nothing, but his one sided silent smile told me that he had heard that unheard voice of mine. he know i was deeply in love with him, it was love at first sight where every little thing around me seems like miracle just by his presence. deep within i know that he like me too, but we both were bad at expressing. so at that day, i saw he was hiding something from me, when i asked about it he just told me to close my eyes, i did, he handed me that rose, and run away from me as fast as possible. i called him from back but he didn't listen, but after that day we used to meet often. everything was beautiful . we used to talk about everything, sometime those conversations were genuine, sometime they were so stupid. my parents were kinda strict so we don't used to meet daily, but whenever we meet, that moment become an absolute blessing for me. one evening we were in a park, the place was kinda silent except nature sounds. we both were holding hand and silently observing nature, and then i saw that tiny beautiful bird sitting in the branch of a tree is trying to kiss her partner which was sitting right next to her. it was amazing moment. he didn't notice it. so i went close to him, so close that i can hear his breathing , nd he can hear mine, i kissed him slowly and told him that promise me that you'll never let me go. he was teary yet smiling and then he nodded his head, hold me and said " i promised I'll never ". the next day when we met, we gave me a letter where he expressed his feelings for me and trust me it was beautiful. our love grew stronger day by day. sometime we used to fight but we make sure we solve every conflict before we say good night. but maybe our love got affected by someone's evil eye. As the days passed, i can see some stress in his face, some sort of worries . i tried to know, but efforts went in vain. After someday he started missing college, i was too worried so me and my best friend rashi decided to head toward his home, and when we went i was devastated to know that he was suffering from leukemia from past few month. i cried so badly, that even my every ribs, bone, muscle was aching for him. i can't afford to lose him. he was in his last stage. but then i decided to spend those remaining time with him in best ways possible. we travelled a lot, we used to watch the nature from that same park holding hand and my hand lying on his shoulder,we used to watch movies together and enjoy every little moment. Next day was his birthday.. so in order to make him feel special. we decorated his room while he was sleeping in his Mom room. nd we ordered two small cake. in one i wrote happy birthday raghu and on next i wrote i love you. this was the first time i proposed him directly. nd then i wrote a really long letter for him. me my best friend rashi, his best frnd adi nd raghav, and both our parents celebrated his birthday, but that happiness haven't last longer, next day he was not feeling well, so we admitted him to hospital. we need a blood donor, his mom blood group luckily matched with him, then i decided to bring some fruit for them, me and rashi rushed, and when we returned back, the room was filled with absolute silence, my raghav is no more. my world felt apart, i went near him, for lasttime i kissed his forehead, rashi is consoling his mom and i was completely shocked. i don't know what to do. Days gradually passed and that's how raghav left me with an ultimate void in my heart. But then i decided to celebrate our love instead of feeling so sad. i decided to celebrate his life. i wrote a book on our love story, and published it and guess what, it was a great success,and even now on his birthday we celebrate his birthday with that two small cake, on one i write "I love you " and on other we wish him happy birth day, and i write a long letter dedicating him. Today after so many year i found that withered rose, a rose That hold so much value, a rose that speaks thousands of word, a rose that describes my life . That withered rose is still in the midpage of my biology book
© taheraa