

Bye Bye Stress
Stress can be a game changer in a competition.
Just like a rock in the way of smoothly flowing river ..which would force the river either to beat the rock with a flush and pave its way ,or to lead the river change its course...
so like this stress also can make a person strong enough to overcome it ,or can make a person to change its direction to other less confident path.

Thus beating stress is really necessary, some ways include--
1. Identifying the cause of stress, whether its a failure stress or relationship stress or any medical condition.

2. Discussing it with people who are close to you ..company of friends can lead to some divertion from stress.
Their encouragement can shower some confidence among you.

3.Embracing the confidence, that whatever will happen , i will fight , simply --grabbing attitude of not giving up in any cost .

4. Attaining positive thoughts and avoiding negative people and their thoughts.
Negativity is root cause of stress so be ready to deal with negativity.

5.To beat it one can visit temples or church , mosque, gurudwaras let the postivity of that environment flow among your body and soul.

6. Start working with focus and complete your goals before time. That can give you some contentment and reduces stress level .

7 .Choose simple ways to achieve your goals rather then hectic and complex ways.

8.Spend time with nature. Greenery showers freshness and peace of mind.

9. Enjoy your family time. Family is a great source of stress reliever.

10. Practice meditation and enrich your brain cells and beat medical conditions.

11.Fix your mindset that success and failure are part of life, not life itself .. Life is much more than competitions .

12.Believe, you are gods creation and thus capable enough for anything, keep up some hope among yourself.

Stress is like resistance in the circuit of your brain cells, Remove it and see the magical increase of efficiency of your nerve cells .Then you can think properly and desighn your goals effeciently .

say bye bye to stress 😊
© white doll