

Steadfast Nation
"When some men fail to accomplish what they desire to do they exclaim angrily, 'may the whole world perish!'. This repulsive emotion is the pinnacle of envy, whose implication is 'If I cannot have something, no one can have anything, no one is to be anything!"
The above quotation is from a book called The dawn of morning by a German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The reason why it resonates with me so much is because I am inherently weary and selective of people generally, I know and I understand that most people will drag you down to their own levels and make you feel like an alien or that something is totally wrong with you for not doing what they collectively do or subscribing to their herd morality. My advice to you who is reading this post is to be you and let the world adjust to what you really are, don't comprise or sell yourself short just to be accepted by society. Always remember that majority is not always right, stand alone with your own truth if needs be.