

I don't know what to name it!
I was born into the zodiac Pisces. I have read that Pisces are creative, passionate,intuitive, artistic and most importantly daydreamers. I don't know if I beget any of these traits. But one thing I am sure of, is that I am a classic daydreamer. I spend most of my time daydreaming. Besides I am an extreme introvert. So I kinda find it hard to be myself around people. Because of my easy going personality, i have only a handful of friends. I find it annoying yet feel sorry for my disability for not bonding over people easily. And
even with my relatives, I always get tensed vibes from myself. With them, i would be someone whose head is constantly weighed with respect. I would never easily feel home with people. But when I do, i trust them with all my heart. I would expect the same amount of love and care from them the way I have for them. And I am telling you, that is one of the stupid things that you can ever ask for.
I easily get upset over small things. And one of the few ways that I manage to comfort myself is daydreaming. I build for myself a world which is "yet to be calculated"miles away from reality;that consists of good opportunities and a good me.
The me in that world is a social animal. I talk to everone, i sing, i dance , i scream,i deliver speeches,and there i consider myself a multi lingual. I travel , talk sensibly, go to my dream universities "without actually putting any efforts". I make friends effortlessly and I attribute them the characteristics that I always want to be in a friend. There I am surrounded by people of my choice . Unlike in my real life , none of my wish is on hold there. Everything happens rapidly. In that delulu world I grow up at the speed of light. I frame stories for myself; about my career, about my life but most importantly about my love life. I have never been in a relationship but somehow i manage to put my dreadful anxieties and fantasies in my imaginative film and make a story-reel.
And also in that parallel universe, I make my parents happy and proud. I buy them their favourite snacks and things. And I would change the story if my life in that parallel universe gets bored. I can also alter the characters if I want to. Everything is under control. But in real, my life is going as if it has not yet come across the terms "control" and "balance". Whatever, in that world, I am altogether a different person who talks confidently and always walks with pride.
Sometimes I laugh at how bad my imaginations come off. And the other times I appreciate for adding a beautiful, enriching tale to my life.
Day dreaming is good but too much of it can put you in depression. Because knowing that somewhere in a parallel universe, you are living a life of an aristocrat. All your demands are taken. All your decisions are well aligned. All your dreams are happening. There you always get positive results. No one is there to irk you. Even if someone does, you can just kick that person out.. It is your life. And you are the sole person who decides how your life should go and what changes you can make and who are the people you can accustom to. But in actuality, you are not the only person who has a say in your life. There are many directors, producers, managers, heart breakers, emotional infectors who have specific roles in your life to play. Apparently, you can make an on and off trip to your dream world and play with your story book. But we can't visit them regularly. Because it costs; it costs one hell of a heartbreak.