

A painful freedom... chapter 3
Seeing this the owner shouted angrily to the guards, "he is running away; guards, catch him, quickly. Don't let him out of the gate". On hearing this, all the guards came to the garden to catch me, and told me to stop and started running after me. But I didn't stop. I was just running. While running, I came very closer to the main gate. I could easily escape from there because the guard, standing near the main gate, was sleeping. But he was also awakened upon hearing his master's order; and seeing me running, he started trying to catch me. But being small, I escaped from his clutches and got out of that house. I breathed peace as soon as I got out. But the danger was not yet gone; because the owner and his guards would definitely come to the village to find me and that's why I didn't stop, just running away. I started trying to get out of that village as soon as I could because it was not too late in sun rising. I was too tired. I was feeling very thirsty too. My condition was also became very bad. But I was surprised because despite all this, not a single drop of tears fell from my eyes. Perhaps because something even more worse was going to happen to me than this...