

Masks of Truth
"Appearances can be deceiving. The hidden face is where the truth lies".

Everyone has a side to them that others don't see. There's an aura of a mysterious persona in the town of Vielied Hollow. A wave of eerie elegance spreads through the city. Everyone wears a mask that hides their true face. Nobody ever reveals their true identity to others. There's a strange aura seen in everyone there.

Even though Vielied Hollow was a mystery town, nothing strange happened there. That was before the 31st of October.

The citizens were getting ready for a Halloween masquerade party that day.

The party was to be held in the house of a citizen named Ms. Penhallow. It was 11:30 PM, and it all went well before Ms.Penhallow's waitress reported something extremely grave.

"Oh, Miss. Something deadly happened. Something that was not supposed to. Oh. May god spare me for saying this. Oh," said Ms.Penhallow's waitress Ms.Nemo, with a shaky breath. Her face was pale and she was shivering from top to bottom.

"What happened Nemo? Why do you sound so shaken?" questioned Ms.Penhallow. She tried to calm Nemo down and offered her a glass of water.

"Oh, Miss. Something deadly happened. Something that was not supposed to. Oh. May god spare me for saying this. Oh," said Ms.Penhallow's waitress Ms.Nemo, with a shaky breath. Her face was pale and she was shivering from top to bottom.

"What happened Nemo? Why do you sound so shaken?" questioned Ms.Penhallow. She tried to calm Nemo down and offered her a glass of water.

"Oh, miss. How can I explain that? Mr. Rockbury is dead! His face is as stiff as a stone. I think he must have been murdered," said Nemo as she started to weep. Ms.Penhallow stroked her softly and calmed her down. She asked Nemo to go to bed, and Nemo did as she was asked.

After this sudden turn of events, the mysterious aura turned into a creepy one and eventful gazes were shared among others.

Whispers of "There's a murderer among us" were heard. Ms.Penhallow took the situation in stride. "Everyone! The past events have been a rather upsetting one. However, that does not mean we will suspect one another. I assure you I will get the cops to work on this event immediately. I also think it's a suitable time to wrap up the party. It is midnight, after all. Goodnight," said Ms.Penhallow.

There was a hustle seen everywhere, and Ms.Penhallow made her way towards the 1st-floor ballroom, where Mr.Rockbury was found dead. She contacted the police, and they arrived soon to investigate."Madame Penhallow. According to the investigation, Mr.Rockbury was murdered. We assume it must have occurred by 10:30 PM," said Officer Liam. He took out a vial filled with brown liquid from the table.

A drop accidentally fell into Mr.Rockbury's mouth, and he kept it back. "Thank you for checking up on this." said Ms.Penhallow. "I will come over tomorrow at 10 AM for further investigation, Ms.Penhallow," said Officer Liam and took his leave.

Ms.Penhallow again saw the Officer the following day. "I need the list of everyone at the party yesterday," said the Officer. "Sure," said Ms.Penhallow.

She quickly wrote a list and handed it over to the Officer, who was intrigued by it. "So, there was Ms.Nemo, Mr.Turner, Mr and Mrs Bennet, Ms.Ellis, Mr.Rockbury, and yourself, Ms.Penhallow," said the Officer as he scanned the list. "Hey, I see someone named Ms.Ellis. Never heard of her before," asked the Officer. "That's my cousin who lives in Moresland Village," replied Ms.Penhallow. "Does Mr.Rockbury have any relatives?" asked Officer Liam.

"He had a sister who died," replied Ms.Penhallow. Officer Liam called everyone to Ms.Penhallow's house. First came Ms.Nemo. "I went to the ballroom to set it up for the midnight dance. Unexpectedly, I found Mr.Rockbury dead," said Ms.Nemo. "Is that all, Ms.Nemo?" asked Officer Liam. "Yes, sir," she replied. She then left the room and made way for Mr.Turner. "Mr.Turner, where were you when the murder happened?" asked Officer Liam.

"He had a sister who died," replied Ms.Penhallow. Officer Liam called everyone to Ms.Penhallow's house. First came Ms.Nemo. "I went to the ballroom to set it up for the midnight dance. Unexpectedly, I found Mr.Rockbury dead," said Ms.Nemo. "Is that all, Ms.Nemo?" asked Officer Liam. "Yes, sir," she replied. She then left the room and made way for Mr.Turner. "Mr.Turner, where were you when the murder happened?" asked Officer Liam.

"Officer, I was in the halls, eating and chattering away happily. I was terrified when I heard that Mr.Rockbury was murdered. Why him, though?" asked Mr. Turner. "Your question is as good as mine, Mr.Turner. Thank you for your time," said Officer Liam. Mr.Turner left. Mr and Mrs Bennet entered the room. "We've never known Mr.Rockbury. We arrived at the party late. Everyone was about to leave".

"I see. Thanks for your time," replied Officer Liam. Next came Mrs.Ellis. "This is the first time I've ever heard of Mr.Rockbury. I'm from a nearby village and a cousin of Ms.Penhallow. I was talking with her and the Bennets the whole time," said Mrs.Ellis. "Ms.Penhallow, everything they have done during the party seems similar that they wouldn't have murdered Mr.Rockbury. However, I have clues,".

Officer Liam showed Ms.Penhallow the bottle with the brown liquid that he had found when he first came to investigate. "Whoever kept it must have known it was poison. I suspect that they must have left it there intentionally. Mr. Rockbury must have drank it, thinking it was water," said Officer Liam. "Yes, sir, that makes sense. But who would do that?" asked Ms.Penhallow questioningly.

"I don't know, Ms.Penhallow. I am going to take Mr.Rockbury's body for an autopsy," said Officer Liam. "Of course, Officer. Let me know the reports once you have received them," replied Ms.Penhallow. A few hours passed. Officer Liam came back to Ms.Penhallow's house with the reports. "Ms.Penhallow, the reports suggest something unusual. Extremely unusual," said Officer Liam, with a scowl on his face.

"I don't know, Ms.Penhallow. I am going to take Mr.Rockbury's body for an autopsy," said Officer Liam. "Of course, Officer. Let me know the reports once you have received them," replied Ms.Penhallow. A few hours passed. Officer Liam came back to Ms.Penhallow's house with the reports. "Ms.Penhallow, the reports suggest something unusual. Extremely unusual," said Officer Liam, with a scowl on his face.

"What is it, Officer?" questioned Ms.Penhallow. "The reports suggest that what happened wasn't a murder," said Officer Liam. "We have to report something false to get the truth out of them. There's no way that his death was natural. He came to the party and he dropped dead suddenly. I'll make a plan," said Ms.Penhallow. "Officer Liam, I think that he didn't die due to natural causes. I think they all killed him," said Ms.Penhallow.

The next day, she called everyone who was at the party, including Officer Liam for the investigation. "As per investigation, I have come to the conclusion that whoever did this murder was not just one among you. It was all of you. The way you supported one another served us clear. The Bennets informed that they arrived late but Ms.Ellis informed us that she was talking to the Bennets the entire time.

Nemo, we were supposed to do the midnight dance that day and I'm pretty sure you were informed of that one. Mr.Turner, the one vial that was in your coat pocket that day was similar to the one that was there near Mr.Rockbury's body. That was poison which you much have given. I don't know how, but this happened. What really happened that night? Explain yourselves, please," asked Ms.Penhallow.

"You cannot hide your true face in the dark. It will eventually come to the light. Your fake faces are not what you are. All these masks which hides the real you, why?," asked Ms.Penhallow. "That was not what happened at all, Ms. Penhallow. All I told were lies but I never killed Mr.Rockbury," said Ms.Ellis. "What do you mean?" asked Ms.Penhallow.

"You know about Mr.Rockbury's sister who died?

Well, it was me. I didn't die. I faked my death. My brother and I had a huge fight. We went out of contact and I faked my death and created a fake identity. You must remember that I was introduced to you the time when Rockbury's sister died. He recently got to know my secret and I threatened me. I was worried that if I confined to you, you would think that I killed him. I have nothing to do with him, Ms.Penhallow," said Ms.Ellis.

"I have something to confess as well. Rockbury and I were friends and I once gave him a little vial as a gift. That vial contained some juice. It looked similar to the one that was found near his body. We had a fight at the party and he thought the one vial given to him was poision and he exchanged it with another vial I had which was the actual poision. I never knew about it. I realised it only after his death. I was concerned that it might have been my fault that he died and that the blame would fall on me," said Mr.Turner.

"We have been the enemies of Mr.Rockbury. We were afraid that if we confide that fact to you, you would doubt us," said the Bennets.

"Excuse me, miss. I was actually hit on my way to the party. My mind was going crazy and when I went to the ballroom, I found Mr.Rockbury dead and the vial on my hand. I thought I poisoned him. Now, I realised I didn't but I worried that I did murder him and I didn't tell," said Ms.Nemo.

"Excuse me, Ms.Penhallow. I have something to confess as well. When I first came to inspect the body, I thought that Mr.Rockbury was alive but unconscious. I took that vial and I saw one drop of the liquid fall into his mouth. I was scared that I killed him. But I didn't, for the autopsy said he was about to die from 4:30 PM the same day," said Officer Liam.

"If there was no poision in the vial, then what was it? asked Ms.Penhallow.

"I think that Mr.Rockbury emptied the poison and filled it with something else," said Officer Liam.

"I think it's just grapejuice," said Nemo as she was inspecting the liquid. "I made this and Mr.Rockbury must have filled grapejuice into the vial. It looks similar to the one I made," said Nemo.

"So none of us actually murdered Mr.Rockbury?" asked Ms.Penhallow. "We didn't murder him. We thought we did and we tried to cover it up," said Ms.Ellis.

"But, how did he die?" asked Ms.Penhallow. "Well, I might know the answer to that." chipped in Ms.Ellis. "My brother has been having surgeries which weakened his blood transfusions. He has been having strokes ever since then and he has been extremely weakened by the stroke that happened the day before his death. He was about to die. I expect that he again experienced a sudden stroke in the ballroom which caused his death," told Ms.Ellis.

"Well, now since the drama ended, we better be returning back to our normal lives. I hope for no more murder cases," said Ms.Penhallow.

"Everyone, you can't wear a mask to hide what you are. In the end, light will fall and your true face will be unleashed. Why be someone else when you can be you? You're the best version of you one person can be. Remember that," said Officer Liam and left the room.

Silence swept through the room for a while. No one spoke. Then one by one, they began to leave.

The death of Mr.Rockbury was a fascinating event for the town. As much as the town cheered him, they learnt a lesson.

It was all out in the open. Citizens removed their masks. They realised who they really were.

Things got more intriguing for Officer Liam. He solved many cases, none as interesting as this, but yet. He became the most renowned detective one could ever dream of.

As for Ms.Penhallow, she retired to her house and spent all her time with Nemo. Things were peaceful, once again.

Things got more intriguing for Officer Liam. He solved many cases, none as interesting as this, but yet. He became the most renowned detective one could ever dream of.

As for Ms.Penhallow, she retired to her house and spent all her time with Nemo. Things were peaceful, once again.

The Bennets were happy and they resided in their home, forgetting everything.

As for Ms.Ellis, she owned up to her true identity and became Ms.Rockbury.

Mr.Turner moved towns but still mainted to lead a peaceful life.

All their worries were gone.

Until one day.

Officer Liam got a phone call about another murder.

The murder of Ms.Penhallow!

It was quite a shocking one!

What happened to her, no body knows what happened. I expect it will be cleared soon enough.

After all, the masks of the murderer will be unleashed soon enough.

© Anushka