

Just friends.....
Why are you soo far but so close,
I want to talk to you but I feel ignored.
I doubt you for nothing but you prove yourself without any proof.
You are the kindest person I have known,
I am becoming obsessed with you and I think I will lose.
But tell me the truth you lead me on to this path, where both of us was just meet.
And I know we do feel very deeply connected, but the relationship you wanted is of being “just friends”.
You too knew that you like me more than the reality of friendship,
You always tells me “you are the special person”, “I never told this to anyone”, “I miss you”, “I can't wait to talk to you”.
If you want to be just friends that just let's stop talking cause I want to be the love of your life and your girlfriend.
I have to be honest, I like you more than just friend, I want to be your lover and embrace you, kiss you in the neck.
I can't Stop thinking about you, you are on mind 24/7.
Why are you so sweet, you are stopping me from leaving this confused game.
I will clear today, it's depend on you now, see I love you, so will you be my honey or just friend.
Guys I really like this person and I think he likes me too but we both don't want to go in relationship because we are focusing on ourselves and also we both live very far, but I really can't take it now I am going to tell him what I feel so I write this for him, so when I talk to him should I also send this to him.
© silim