

who's calling me outside 2
(Please read the 1st part of this story)

Here lived an old lady. She had a very bad luck. Her husband left her. She managed a job so hardly. But her son was talented enough. He became a doctor and left her mother after his marriage. That old lady was alone. She thought that she will buy another house and wanted to sell this house. She wasted her all savings for buying a new one and she sold this house too. But whom she sold this house didn't pay her money. She hadn't anything. Fighting with poverty she gave up. She committed suicide at her new house. After this incident anyone can't stay here. Who come here have to leave so soon.

Eva was really terrified by hearing the story. That night she went her uncles house. She stayed there for the night. Next day Eva was so busy at her office. She got late coming back. Her mother was waiting for her. Eva asked her mother if everything were alright. Her mother replied so positively. They finished their dinner and went for bed. But couldn't sleep. That story was really hurt her mind again and again. Suddenly a clear voice she heard. It was coming from outside. "Eva Eva Eva" She got afraid. She ran to the main door and shouted "Who's calling me outside? Who's outside?" Eva's mother came fast " what's happened?" "I heard that shit voice again mom. You're right. We need to leave this house. We will move away from this house." "Clam down dear. Don't be afraid. We will leave this house tomorrow."
Next day Eva's uncle came to their house and helped them to move another one. Before leaving the house Eva went to meet with that neighbour. That neighbour was also so sad for them. Eva left the house that day.
After Eva's leaving her neighbour Sia who told her the story had come to the house. She was seen so happy. She talked to her husband."Your idea is always good dear. How fool that Eva was! She didn't know what we did. Our tap rocorder was working so well. Every night we called her name by it. It's really good for us that we got this without pay anyone anything."
(Two days later)
At the midnight Sia and her husband were sleeping at their new home. Suddenly they heard a terrible voice. " Sia Sia Sia". Sia asked her husband where was the tap recorder. Why he did it. But her husband told her he didn't do it. They went to the main door. Sia shouted "who's calling me outside?" But there was no reply. They opened the door and went to the outside. In a little light they clearly saw an old woman was standing in front of them and saying some words. "Sia Sia Sia"