

old was really gold
Cant we go back to those old days
When we use play together until late
When we used to make pinky promise
When we used to share all our secrets to each other
Yeah they changed
Still wait for those silly talks we used to chat until late night
Don't you think about those too.
Common we grew together
We're still those lil kid who hide from our elders
Just to spend some more time together
Time changed, people changed
The thing that remained same is just the memories
Don't you even remember how preety were those blooming days
Cant you recall how happy we were to spent our summer together
Alas, it's not the same forever🌿
( Cant we remain same as like before. you gotta be the same you even after you made new friends. ways remember it's always that old childhood friend the will be always there for you)

© cacophonyslaysss