

Treasure Island
Long ago, there lived a smart young lad named Jim Hawkins whose parents owned the Admiral Benbow Inn beside the sea. One day, a sailor named Billy Bones came to stay in their Inn. He was tall, huge and had a big scar across one of his cheeks, he resembled a pirate. He spoke in a loud and harsh voice and carried a heavy iron chest with him. Young Jim was curious to know what was inside that chest.

All day long, Billy kept looking at the ships through the window of the Inn. Every night he would get drunk and start a quarrel with other customers. No one dared talk to him because he was just so mean and nasty and he would beat them if anyone came near his table. Young Jim was impressed with Billy’s strength. Billy told of his adventures at the sea and warned Jim about the one-legged man. Jim and his parents were unhappy because Billy never paid his bills.

One evening, a mysterious blind man named Pew came to the Inn and asked for Billy Bones. He gave Billy a piece of paper and on that paper was one black dot right at the center of it. One glance at the paper and Billy was on the floor. He had dropped dead! Jim hurried to see what had happened but it was too late.

Jim and his mother found...