

The Caged Peacock- Beauty lies within. EPISODE 6
Everywhere looked awesome and all the students sat to withness the wonderful occasion. The teachers were moving up and down just to see that the get together runs smoothly. The occasion then started with the welcoming address by the principal and the singing of national ans school anthem. My dad was invited so I was very happy. I participated in a science project. We showed how combostion reaction takes place, we made elephant toothpaste with the aid of Hydrogen peroxide and what made the reaction successful, and we did a genotype free test for the guests. Everyone was so impressed that one of the guest gifted us money for our job well done. Other students also displayed their own exhibitions and the event was very fun. Professionals were also invited to educate, enlighten and advise us on how to be better students. They also discussed certain issues like How to be a grade A student, How to manage studenthood and childhood, Effect of drug abuse and so on.
It was time, teachers were preparing the stage for the awarding of outstanding students. I sat closer to Hikma and some other classmates, we were all staring and our hearts were beating like those that are given a chance to choose between life and death. Being awarded doesn't really matter to Hikma as it mattered to me but she was also in suspense, a deep suspense I must say. Unfortunately another student from another class got best student but I and Hikma were fortunate to take 9 gifts all together home. I was later called to be awarded for the national science competition. I and Hikma consoled each other and we promised to do better this time.
After a week break, we resumed back to school to begin a new class. We were glad we were now in Jss3 at least 3rd year now. Our obstacles became harder and harder as other students wanted to be better and were using some strange ways to get what they wanted. At that time, life became difficult for me as I was facing different challenges at home and in school. I was also suffering from domestic issues. My dad wasn't paid early so he was unable to pay my school fees till the 7th week. My mom wasn't getting much from her buying and selling not to talk of supporting him. It was very difficult for us to eat because we were not having much. It wasn'tmy father's habit to seek for financial assistance because he called it begging. We had to manage what we had. I and my family started to skip meals, the snacks and money to buy things during break at school were reduced day by day. Not as if that was enough, Uncle Ahmad, my father's brother got ill so he had to pay hospital bills and other things concerned to taking care of his brother. My dad struggled day by day as well as my mom. My dad no longer give my mom money to prepare food and money to take us to school and manage the home, she did all by herself. I would pity her and wish there could be something I could do to help her.
The biggest problem rose when .....