

Tales of the Third Wheel
Have you ever felt jealous of other couples? Have you ever felt being the third-wheel? If so, tell us your story.

Have you ever felt the pang of envy's sting,
Watching couples in love, their hearts taking wing?
Being the third-wheel, an outsider's role,
A story to share, let your feelings unfold.

I once found myself in that lonely place,
Watching love blossom, with a bittersweet embrace.
Seeing others' happiness, their hands entwined,
While I stood on the sidelines, feeling left behind.

I witnessed their laughter, their meaningful gaze,
Their love-filled moments, amidst life's maze.
I couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong with me?"
Why couldn't love find its way to my lonely sea?

But as time went on, I began to see,
That being single had its own beauty and glee.
I learned to cherish my independence and space,
To embrace my own journey, at my own pace.

I realized that love's timing is its own mystery,
And being single doesn't define my story.
I focused on self-love and nurturing my soul,
Finding joy in my passions, making myself whole.

So, if you've ever felt the jealousy's sting,
Or experienced being a third wheel's lingering,
Know that your story matters, and it will unfold,
With love finding its way when the time is bold.

Embrace your own journey, for it is unique,
And know that true love is the one you seek.
Your story is valuable, so let it unfurl,
For in your experiences, your soul will swirl.

If you've ever felt the third-wheel's ache,
Share your tale, for empathy's sake.
For in our stories, we find solace and grace,
United in experiences, creating a warm embrace.

note:with a help of my friend Cici (Collab)
© Kyier mc