

Battle for Integrity

Like the boom of a gun! My heart went off as soon a it heard that word!. . . INTEGRITY

I got tingly when I hear of Integrity before today. It has always been a fantasy echo to my soul as I read through the Holy Bible with downloaded pride to see how men of the old kept this word (Integrity) even to their own hurt.

Like it wasn't just things of the Noah's era or Abraham days but even down to the death of Stephen yet he kept Integrity @ the cost of his breathe.

Indeed he followed the already established faith of Christ Jesus who was maltreated, suffered, and hung on the old rugged cross just to restore man's integrity.

My pride never knew any exit point as with my 50:50 shoulder high, I walked to every where with the understanding that Integrity was the Believers birth right which no JACOB could purchase no matter the offer.

Was I correct!? 🤨

Was I myopic!? 😬

Was I too . . .? (Hmmm)🤔

I saw my death!!!
I was electricuted off my pride as a believer.

Ah! Ah! 😫😫
Am I still alive or dead?
No! I was just in the 21st century church.

Cru. . sh! Cru. . .sh! Cru. . sh!
as my heart failed brake for Integrity was now almost a thing of the past.

As leaders spoke to members saying :
" Come as you are; Yet remain stronger in your SINS for Jesus Christ died because of our sins yet only more sins can make the cross potent among belivers." ( This is lie from pit of hell)

I saw men took before my eyes what was not for them still they claimed :' wisdom is profitable to direct says the Bible'.

Hmm...ministers now change sermons' title as everyday blast with: ' the Lord loves a cheerful giver'

While members campaiged for slots of tithe & offering counters.

With tears in my eyes so I wondered what had gone wrong so I heard them saying:

' You JEW man that word ( integrity) also died on the cross in this 21st century' so 'integrity' is now a ghost among many believers today.''


A little remenant are our hope to turn the battle of Integrity to the Enemies gate(Isa.1:9)

I am part, so I call for fellow compatriots in this Faith to stand by the help made available through my most learned & sweetest friend (The Holy Spirit)

Though the battle ranges but victory is sure for the church on integrity case.

© Njnvalues
#MyMostLearned&Sweetest Friend The HolySpirit
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