

Unexpected love. Ch-4
same day at night Lily was restlessly roaming in her room. She was very angry and desperate. Desperate for answers. She was waiting for Andrew to come in his room so that she can confront him and ask him why is he treating her like this. If he don't want to accept her as his wife, she is fine with it. She has no problem with that. But she has not give him any right to neglect her. She knows that they are not in any kind of relationship but they can be friends, friends who can talk with each other, can see each other, have lunch with each other " But no he can't do that since he is a business man,he is very busy...he doesn't have five minutes for his wife" she was murmuring angrily to herself.. " Today I am going to confront him, he has to answer all my questions". she was roaming and murmuring angrily .

suddenly she feels bustle in the next room and lights of Andrew's room lit up. She can see the light from the hole under the door of their adjoining room. She angril walked toward the door. She raised a hand and tried to knock at the door but wasn't able to do that. She wanted to knock the door to hard so that he will have to open the door. She wanted to go into his room and ask the reason for his behavior by looking straight into his eyes. But she wasn't able to do that instead she started crying. She was standing like a statue in front of closed door with her hands up folded in a fist. She wanted so many answers from him and at the same time was afraid of answers. It was some kind of fear and insecurity which was refraining her from this. She put her hand and forehead on the door and started crying.

Andrew enter into his bedroom and lock the door behind him In the darkness of the room he could clearly see the the light coming from the next room. "so she is awake" he observed. Then he switch on the lights of his room. It has become his habbit now. But today something is different he could sence it.. her presence ...near the door. He move towards the adjoining door, he touched the nob of the door. He wanted to open that damn door and claim her as his wife. He wants a happy married life. He wanted to love her, take care of her, give her all the happiness in the world. But things are not that simple as they appear. Their marriage was not planned it was an incident. It just happened. Suddenly he was feeling very tired he put his forehead on the door and stood there for some time. He wanted to tell her, make her believe that she is important to him more than any business deal. She is no deal for him. She is his wife, his better half.
Slowly he turned from the door and lay on his bed. He accepts the fact that his way of proposing her was not correct but his intention were not wrong. He had to do things like that, had to hurt her because this was the only way of protecting her and Henry. He tried to move forward in their relationship but she didn't allow him He has send their family ring to her through his manager but she has not accepted that ring. Even after that he has send flowers and jewellery to her but she had accepted none.

He understand her situation. In less than two months her life had turned upside down. She has lost her parents, her brother is in coma. Every evening she has a habit of coming in the garden. Sometimes she walks, sometimes read a book but most of the time she was just lost in her thoughts. He used to see har daily from his office window. Everytime he saw her upset, he wanted to hold her in his arms and wishper in her ears that" no matter what I am always with you. No harm can touch you untill I am with you." But right now he can't do that. The only thing he can do is wait. Yes... he will wait for her .....
© Dipa Sharma