


My first day to college . After completing my high school i started my one more journey to collect more knowledge in studies when I step into the college I entered with a lots of dreams the college campus was excellent and the features are very good after I entered to my hostel The hostel warden was allotted an seprate room which has an enough of space of three person I planned to go out with my new room mate but unfortunately it is not possible my warden refused to send us out so we gone back to our rooms the very offen next day I met an guy who is staying next room of me he is become my good friend.He started sharing his personal things and he gave me a contact of girl and asked me to speak with her. after two days I sent an message through whatsapp. The conversation is going very well between us and I asked her to send photos she sent me one photo of her after seeing her picture I fall in love with her. after few days I asked her about meeting.she accepted the meeting. I met her near to his home while his mom and dad in home.while I saw her am really don't know to how to start the conversation after an few mins she asked me can we take an photo together after that we took an photo together . I am totally forgot to speak after am reaching my room I remembered and I sent her an message (I forgot to tell you ) she asked what is it . I said that I am in love with you.. she just shocked and said to me that I need some time to think. I taught that she will reject me...