

A Foolish Lion and A Brave Rabbit
Once up on a time there was a Forest. The king of the forest was a lion. It used to kill many animals in the forest. One day, all animals gathered in the middle of the forest and thinking about the animals that were killed by lion. They thought of an idea. They all went to lion and asked it's permission to talk and the lion granted the permission
All animals came front and said. "You were killing all the animals but we were afraid of you that you will kill us so we will come day to day to you at the correct time. Please think of it sir." OK. Many animals went to Lion. One day it's rabbit turn to go. It is very sad while going to Lion. It thought of an idea on the way to go. It thought to go very slow. The lion was so angry that any animal is not coming today
As soon the rabbit came. The lion was so hungry and asked rabbit "why you are very late?" The rabbit answered that "when I am coming on the way I saw another lion like you and it stopped me and it thought to eat me and I said no I am going to the place of our king"I ran from that lion and came here. he has stopped at the well(small river) far away from the forest. I will take you to him sir. You fight with him and kill him. The lion said OK take me to there. Rabbit took lion to well and the foolish lion saw his face in well and thought yes hr is lion like me only and jumped into the well and died. All the animals knew that lion was dead and felt happy.

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