

We started out as friends. As time went on a few years later. You promised you would always be there for me and if they were his we would be a family.
As the years roll by the hardest thing to hear, "Why wont he come over? Is it something that I did wrong? Why doesn't he love me. If he loved me he would come and see me right?" I couldn't lie and I didn't even know the truth.
When they look at me like they are confused and lost, I know why but it's not the time.
Some years later, you again surprised me and told me you love me. I kept it in my heart, because I knew he also promised someone else the same thing after me. Before anything else in this world and his kids for something he thought was love.
You have made it clear you wont leave her, so I do the best I can to always be there for them. Stopping by and not saying hi or any other words to his and my kids. It tears my heart and all the way through my heart. I still to this day can't believe how much someone could do this to their kids and own family. I do and always will love you.

Desiree Marion
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