

My Sunshine
It was suddenly raining heavily...i stood there and watched everyone passing by in a hurry . No umbrella and not even a home to live at , i started walking on the path , just following the destiny. The night was getting darker , all drenched i stood at the church's gate... admiring the darkness .

Remembering the time we spent together but it's just a memory now .
We both used to loved each other dearly but somehow the faith changed...

( Past )

I walked out of the library with some books in my hands and was welcomed by a familiar smile . My Sunshine , the love of my life . All my dark days suddenly changed when he stepped in my shuffling life with that bright and warming smile of his .
We met at this library , we both were looking for a book "Anna kerinina"
And end up fighting to read the single book . It was funny how we acted at first and then sat down together to read it...

I visited the library everyday and find him sitting at the same place with the same book , but whenever i asked him " what are you up to ? ". He always replied " Just the same page as you " and i found it cute somehow . Day by day we got closer and started seeing each other .

Suddenly i forgot how i met him and how i fell for him so madly . I always thought what great deeds i did that i got him...i felt blessed seeing him by my side everyday... Everything felt like a dream that i never thought that I'll deserve...

At first we shared a book , then an umbrella , then a house , a room and soon we will be sharing our names . The Gray sky was filled with Sunshine...

As the time passed by , my health was getting bad . One night my sunshine was out of the city for some works . I was a little bit sick so I was resting in the room , suddenly i heard the phone ringing . I thought it was my sunshine and hurriedly went to pick it up . Just when i raised my hands to pick the phone , everything went black .
When i woke up i found myself sleeping in an unfamiliar room , something was tightly clenching my hands and when i looked at it , i found my sunshine sleeping while holding my hand . I caressed his hair and he woke up and looked at me all worried and asked if I'm alright , i nodded . He smiled and patted my head . I felt a strange pain in my heart and asked my sunshine what was wrong with me but he denied to say . But when i insisted he agreed to tell me everything , he made me sit and held both of my hands tightly in his . He looked in my eyes and said " You have Heart Cancer but don't worry I'll be always with you no matter what , We will always be together forever and ever... Just you and me " when i heard him i couldn't felt that i was actually suffering from any dieses because i knew i have my Sunshine , my medicine to every pain . I knew that with him by my side i can fight any battle of my life .

Time kept passing by , my state was getting better but i always needed someone to look after me and help me out with everything. My Sunshine was always there by my side helping me with everything so there was nothing to worry about , he did everything to make me happy and he always succeed .

But soon i realised that i was becoming a burden , He did everything i said to him but i can never do the same . He seems to be getting tired and i won't even complaint because he had a life as well and he also deserves to be loved and he also wishes to go out with someone and make good memories with her , that i can never do . So we end up getting separated...The sunshine left and the sky was again filled with gray clouds...

( Past ends )

It's been 4 months we're not together anymore but I'm happy my sunshine is having a great time and living in a pace . Now he's doing whatever he wanted to , he's now a well known Surgeon and seeing him like this i felt that i took a great decision by letting him go...

( Present )

The water droplets kept showering my face as well as my whole body as i stood there and looking up at the gray clouds . I was feeling numb and my eyelids felt heavy so i closed my eyes...

Next Morning ,
The church's father stepped out of his little home and walked towards the church . Suddenly he noticed a girl lying on the ground at the church's gate. He went to her and checked her pulses , she was still alive . The father picked up her phone that was lying beside her on the ground and called at a number showing " My Mate " , soon the person on the other side picked up and the father told him about the situation .

Soon he came with an ambulance and took her with him . When they all reached the hospital they admitted the girl hurriedly for an surgery and the person who was performing her surgery was no other than her Sunshine .
When the sunshine looked at the girl , he got surprised and asked her mate " What happened to her ? " . Her mate replied " I found her at the church , all drained in rain ! " . The nurse interrupted and finally they took her inside to perform the surgery. The sunshine felt bad and guilty when he saw that joyful soul lying on the bed lifelessly . He felt bad when he looked at her pale face which was once bloomed like a spring flower.

After 2 and an hour the surgery was finally completed and it was a success . He sat there while holding her hands and waited for her to wake up . She was still critical , those 24 hours was a fight of life for her . He checked up on her whenever he got time and stayed beside her whenever he was free.
He held her hands and rubbed it to warm it up like how it once was... talking to the lifeless body he couldn't help to hold back his tears and cried because of the guilt . Just when he stood up and was walking out of the ward , a soft grip hold his hand and a cracked but sweet voice called him " Sunshine " .
He didn't dared to look back at her and stood at the same place . After collecting the courage he looked at her with a smile plastered on his face and said " You finally did it , you're back " She looked at him and smiled warmly . He was about to leave when she asked him to stay for a bit , She asked if she can hold his hands and he nodded with a smile . He held her both hands tightly looking at her pale face ," She's still the same , no matter what the situation is but she'll smile like the sun and will make you feel warm " " She's the one who once used to be my sunshine but she always called me her Sunshine and treated me like I'm the only one . I promised her that I'll never leave her but i broke my promises and left her afterall..." He thought .
Suddenly her voice bring him back out of his thoughts " Can you sleep here or can we please cuddle ? " She asked cutely and he agreed . He lied down beside her fragile body , while she rested her head on his chest . She hugged him tightly and said " I'm sorry , i was just a burden to you but now I'm happy to see you doing whatever you wanted to do and i don't ever regret my decision " . When he heard her saying all those things he felt bad for whatever he did , he said " No , you shouldn't be sorry about anything " and hugged her back . " I love you my sunshine and i always will..." She said and suddenly her pulses started dropping and finally the sound was off...she fought through the hard times alone and now finally closed her eyes . She's finally at eternal peace now .

He was still so shocked everything happened so suddenly...soon some doctors came inside and tried giving her some electric shocks to bring her back to life but couldn't do so , it was already so late...the doctor asked the time of death " 11:11 " and said she's asleep for forever now .

Her Sunshine went to her and held her in his embrace and cried out his heart...." Please come back..." he sobbed as he put his face on her cheek , wetting it . Not knowing what to do , he sat there embracing her lifeless body tightly crying out his heart....

" Sleep tight my sunshine...i love you and always will " he kissed her on the lips....

The End
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