

Journal Entry of a Dreamer
Im either schizo and/or paranoid about my dreams...OR I'm on to something BIG.

I just have this feeling in me that some of, or maybe even all of my dreams (especially recurring ones) are trying to point out something to my concious self. Or my subconscious is analyzing my life, putting the pieces together to help me on my journey to healing and loving myself.

I believe that my dreams are trying to communicate with me and every day I wake up after the same dream for like the 5th time in a week or less, picking apart my brain trying to remember more of the dreams, more details, anything that is different.

It leaves me kinda confused and...not sure of the right word to use here hmmmm...stuck? Kinda in a fog maybe but not quite. Can't put my finger on it. Kinda feels like disappointment? Maybe from trying to remember more of the dreams or remembering and doing a walk through to maybe catch something I missed and not finding it.  Feels like I'm looking for an answer???

I haven't mentioned but the reason I'm stuck on it, like there must be a message or meaning behind these exact dreams because they are literally the same every time.

Sometimes they are exactly identical, from the people to the setting to how it starts, in the middle and the ending.

Other times, they are very very similar to each other, but the setting has changed. The people whose faces are shown to me change, sometimes no one talks. And the times they do it's just short and to the point.  We might be outside chillin on the front porch of MY OLD HOUSE ON JACKSON FUCKIN AVE. The very first one. Or sometimes we will be on the top front porch, halfway in the hallway and its just a whole vibe and loving family feel.

But obviously I can't help but wonder why these people, who I didn't know of at that time in my life...and wouldn't for literally a decade....so why is it, they are there with me in my dreams? Out of all the places I've lived at.
I'm so confuzzled lol puzzled and absolutely bamboozled cuz the more I write out about it the more I'm intrigued about digging deeper and deeper within myself to figure it out. Lol I know I can't be crazy and it's too much to just be a coincidence.

A Dreamer

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