

Ashfur's Dream: Prequel
Ashfur ran his hand through Scourge's hair, sighing frustratingly as he glanced over at the blade that was taunting him from the nightstand. It had been a while since he had last cut and barely a week since he'd gotten rid of his meds. He was doing surprisingly well off them, maybe he didn't need them anymore. Reaching towards the new blade pack he stopped, his hand hovering over it. There was still one thing that always came up to the surface every time he thought about cutting: The dreams. Ashfur shivered, he hated that side of his mind, the incredibly terrifying place in his mind that only got worse when he cut. But you love the feeling of it.. A voice whispered. Ashfur shivered again. The recent voice was creepy and completely the opposite of Hollyleaf, no it wanted him to kill himself and fed off of his insecurities and weaknesses. "Get out of my head!" Ashfur snarled. But I love it here. I can force your darkest thoughts to you whenever I please. He said. Ashfur glared at him. "Since your here to stay; let's start with formal introductions." Ashfur said. Oh. I didn't think you cared. But since you asked, I'm Ravvanna but you may call me Ravv if it's easier. I'm here to make your decisions for you. He said. Ashfur snorted. "And why would I follow what you say?" He asked. You will. Because if you don't I'll pay a visit to your precious sick little boy. Ravvanna sneered. "You fucking touch Atlas I'll kill you." Ashfur snarled. It would be quite simple, just cut the tube to his oxygen tank. Ravvanna thought out loud. "You touch Atti you die." Ashfur threatened. What an empty threat from someone who can't do anything. Ravvanna thought. "Ravv, please leave Atlas alone they're the only memories I have of Keiran." Ashfur begged. Oh. Boohoo. You know the cord would be so easy to cut. Atlas would be left suffering without his father here. Mm. Would be such a shame. And it would be your fault. Ravvanna snarled. Ashfur felt hot tears run down his face, he couldn't let his child die to Ravv's hands. He wouldn't.

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