

Chapter 3 of SOUL SWORD 2
Darren goes into the room were Ari is being kept, then Darren says Ari and Ari replys yes then Darren says I'd like you to meet some people, ok Ari says then several members of the soul hunters walk in. These people are part of the notorious soul hunters they are the weilders of the heavenly swords the soul hunters use to be criminals then the government took them in now they use their powers to up hold the law. So these are the people that weild the heavenly swords Ari says to Darren and the heavenly swords are what me and my race call the eleleta's right Ari says to Darren that's right Darren says. Ari says why couldn't I find anything about the soul hunters and the heavenly swords on Google and YouTube. Then Darren says to Ari the president made it illigal to put anything about the soul hunters or the heavenly swords on the internet when the soul hunters joined the government. That's why I couldn't obtain any information about the eleleta's on this planet when I crash landed here. Then one of the soul hunters who's name is Karen shakes Ari's hand and says wow a real ex heavenly sword weilder it's an honour to meet you sir Karen says to Ari then Ari says the honour is all mine Ari says to Karen he then says to her to what do I owe this honour then another soul hunter who's name is Jeb says to Ari don't mind her she's just a heavenly sword freak. Then Karen says to Ari I want to know everything about your race's experiences with the heavenly swords. Then Ari says is this what the rest of the soul hunters here want to, yes the rest of the soul hunters say. Then Ari says it is known from knowledge being past down from generation to generation in my race that just over a million years ago the eleleta's landed on my planet. When the eleleta's first landed on my planet it is told that no one new what they were or how to use them it wasn't until seven hundred thousand years later an alien called ligro mather made a breakthrough with one of the eleleta's, he found out how to use the power of the eleleta he had and that's what started the eleleta's corporation which is a corporation that is all about studying the eleleta's, it wasn't long after that that every power of every eleleta was known and put to use. So did yous have a lost Bible Karen says to Ari what's a lost Bible Ari says then Karen says it's like a guide book for the heavenly swords no Ari says we had no guide book for the eleleta's the eleleta's corporation is what taught my race everything about the eleleta's. Then one day all the eleleta's just flew up into space and vanished Ari says. I can explain that Karen says, she then says every one million years the heavenly swords migrate from planet to planet so demons won't find them, oh is that why the eleleta's just disappeared Ari says. I feel like I can trust yous now Ari says to the soul hunters there he then says so I'll let you in on a little secret I was the weilder of the Zion oh Karen says and what is Zion in english terms she says to Ari then Ari says I believe one of your soldiers here called it soul sword. Soul sword no way you weilded soul sword Karen says, what was it like having the power to do anything Jeb says It was good but also stressful Ari says then Karen says to Ari what's wrong with you what could possibly be stressful about being able to do anything. Then Ari says it was the being good that was stressful always looking over your shoulder hoping you won't do anything bad so Zion won't leave you. What do you mean so Zion won't leave you Karen says, you don't know Ari says to Karen you have to be a pure hearted good being to weild Zion. It's a curse the true owner of Zion put on Zion, and the true owner of Zion would be Jesus Karen says. In your culture Ari says. How did you figure out you had to be a pure hearted good being to weild Zion yous didn't even have a lost Bible to tell you anything about it you get visions of Jesus congragulating you for being a pure hearted good being if you are worthy enough to weild Zion when you posses it, then Jesus tells you how he laid down the law on Zion that you have to be a pure hearted good being to weild Zion. Then Karen says why are you trying to help us to Ari I was mostly trying to help myself I was trying to find soul sword to see if It would still allow me to weild it so I can protect myself from my race's army, why are you running from your race's army Karen says to Ari then Ari says while I was weilding soul sword my race's army that I was a scientist in found out I was hidding Zion's true power from them and It was, then when they told me to unbond with Zion I was afraid they would use Zion's powers for bad and refused then they started to hunt me and right now they still are. Look soul hunters Ari says the reason I was trying to help yous is cause I was hoping yous could help me stop anyone bad from retrieving soul sword and plus my race's army are ruthless killers they'll kill for eleleta's they've done it before, I've seen them destroy entire planets for eleleta's and when they find out the eleleta's are here which they will cause they have trackers for that, they will take all the eleleta's and destroy this planet to and I don't want to see another planet destroyed. I can help yous win this Ari says win what Daryl says then Ari says my race's army will be here soon and yous don't stand a chance without me, so let me help Ari says alright you're on the team Daryl says,then Ari says thank you sir you won't regret it.

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