

veiled whispers
I know we have just only met
And I don't mean to move too fast
But i couldn't sleep last night
Because I don't know ur wounds
Or how you take your coffee in the morning
And for some reason
There's nothing in the world
I m keen about
But you ...
How your messy hairs looks
when you wake up in the morning
How your sleepy voice sounds
And what make you laugh until you cry
Or what makes you laugh when you cry
Either or both or all those facts would be fine

And ,
I know we just only met
And I don't mean to move too fast
But i couldn't focus this morning
Because I need to know ur presence
And tell me about the skies and clouds
And the dreams you never say out loud ,
But secretly wish to come true
And if I were to buy you a flower
Would you want them to be blue ?

I know we just only met
And I don't mean to move too fast
But suddenly your eyes is infront of my eyes
Your voice is in my head playing on repeat
And I'll probably never say this out loud
And probably i should get some sleep
It's just suddenly everything that's
Significant to you is significant to me !

- Jhimi🌷
© jhimi