

Am I girl?
The incident happened with me long ago.Listen it very carefully

I was coming from my Music class.
The weather was not right, it seemed to be rain.I felt very lonely because no one was out of home.I felt very unnatural.I saw back.I saw that a stranger started to follow me.It was a lady.She dressesd like a witch and she put lipstick be like she drank blood.I was just not mind it
I said--"Am I popular, Hahahaha." The sky grew dark and dark.A fitful wind was cutting like a knife.Then it started to raining .The lady had two umbrellas. She gave me one.I said "Thank you sis...".She said"Am I girl?"I said Obviously. She said"Close your eyes"(I closed my eyes). She started countdown"3,2,1 You can open now".I opened my Eyes. I said "Whaaaaat"( I was fainted).

© Ishan