

Old Ruby Red
This is the story of Old Ruby Red
The way it goes is she is dead
But each day as the kids come out to play
Its a whole different story from what they say
They say that the old house on the corner of pine
She has been seen looking out the windows many many time
The tale begins with a set of twins
A boy and girl named Paul and Kim
They told their friends they were going to burn the house down
They were both found the next morning laying dead on the ground
The cops arrived quickly at the scene
To find Paul and Kim lying beside a box of matches and a can of gasoline
Kim's writs had been cut and Paul's neck had been broken
The news spread nationwide
And the story tellers
Had been woken
For years stories of the house had brought curious onlookers from almost every state
In the backyard they seen the twins grave
Another story says that Paul and Kim relive it over and over and are murdered again and again
Some say it is their own hell
From trying to burn the house that is forever cursed
Ruby Red is waiting to kill again
Some say she is an evil demon
The worst demon of them all
That looks out these Windows and haunts the halls
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