

Power of Yoga 💪
#WriteStoryPrompt50 #InternationalYogaDay

It has been 5 years and I was working with the same organisation at the same position. I was giving my 200% to my job but still I wasn't being considered for any promotions in the organisation.

People joining after me in the other teams were already promoted and I was the only one who was still at the same stagnant position for last 5 years.
I wanted to be recognised for the hard work that I was putting in.
I wanted to move up the ladder of growth. I wanted to excel in the field I was working in. I started to feel all of this in the year 2019. This started taking troll over my health. My productivity lowered and my mental peace was losing its pace. Looking at everyone growing but me was very discouraging.

This was my condition for six months. I started feeling giddiness, I became insomniac. I was admitted to a hospital and then doctors realised that my haemoglobin count was 3, way less than what I was expected to have.

This is when my doctor's advised me to go for yoga so that I can work on my mental peace. Of course, this wasin addition to the medicines that I was prescribed to take.

I started doing yoga to gain my mental peace. It taught me the importance of "Self Care" that I never ever had practiced.

It helpede to stay positive. All my negative thoughts were gone. I realised that the promotion I was hoping was just a materialistic thing. But because of that what I was losing was something very big, my health and my peace.

It has been 1 year now, I have been practicing yoga. I am still with the same organisation but in different team with altogether a new role. Iam exploring things in my personal and professional life.

But to be at peace with everything, Yoga proved to be a bliss for me.

Until 2019, when people used to say Yoga is powerful, for me that was just a STATEMENT.
But now I have realized the power YOGA has, only because I have experienced it. I have been through it and I know it can do Wonders......

© Middhisha