

The retarded f*** *

a hilusinating male, named Dickson, was dreaming of engaging in a video game, he stabbed a vulnerable woman laying naked on a mattress. Thinking of having earned a trophy for assasination, the man had just murdered an innocent woman. He woke up instantly, eventually releasing the severity of the incident.

The murderer attempted to dispose the corpse in a secret location, he drove randomly and ended up in an eerily forest, before leaving the remains, he extracted the eyeballs from the woman. The murderer was a biologist and the eyeball would he free specimen for him, the scene was indeed dreadful.

The next day, Dickson commuted to his labatory, in his hands were the two eyeballs excavated from the victim.

"Hey dick, lively eyeballs, where did you get them?" said his college, joe trump.

"I killed a woman last night,"said dickson."keep your chill."

His college feared the same fate would occur to him, so he attempted to be normal, but he was acting suspiciously peculiar.

After examining the eyeball, dickson came up with the evident conclusion that eyeballs were approximate spheres. His retarded behaviour was accepted by the labatory coorpation. After jotting down his hypothesis, he asked joe if he could borrow his eyeballs for future investigation. However, joe had long reported this incident to the authorities.

Dickson was prosecuted for alleged murder.

to be continued


The retarded f*** sequel

Dickson was sent to trial, but he insisted he was in the right despite the evident biological clues. The defendant stressed that his DNA could be transmitted through air, which is a very unlikely occurance. The prosecutor backed the lawsuit with camera surveillance footage. However, dickson theorized that the footage was photoshopped and he was framed. This legal battle was complete nonsense.

In the end, the dispute was resolved with bribery. Justice was not served for the victim.

*intended for humourous purpose

© soilboy