

I Choose to be Me
What is it that I'm looking for in this world?What is it that I desperately wake up to achieve?,to live freely as a bird, to be free from the chains of this world. In my silence, I help all those I can,I will not have ambition nor passion for the two only sow greed. I reckon that I'll indulge myself in my uncomfortable comfort till I can't breathe anymore; 'Till all the world becomes still and my heart dances it's last waltz and my breath ice cold. Until then, I will be me, quiet, calm and composed,until then, my mind will be clear like a forgotten bubbling brook, I'll clear myself of gossip, hate, love, fear, immorality and the desire to be seen and heard. I will offer myself to the wind, the rain, the sun and moon and be reborn to only live for me.
I will free myself of my body and live as a mortal soul in the land of my ancestors and whenever I close my eyes, I will only feel the whispers of the leaves and birds as they play in song with all the creatures of the earth.
I will free myself from the sounds of new trends, labels, latest cars, latest money bill, the gambling stocks for I've realized that none of them are me, none of it will echo in my eternity.
As a mortal, I'm living once, but for eternity I'll be, once I gain immortality. I'll will be free from this earth which has many colours, for when your almost able to tell which color it reflects, it straight up becomes another. The world is the people, and human is that man or woman who would live to be mortal for this life, but that can change.
Think about it, are you really worth 100years. There's something far greater; to have all the good for eternity. I will live for that, yeah that is me.
© Maria.M.M