

Minecraft: To The End.
Calli’s head popped up over the horizon as she tracked back to her pixelated home that stood like a tent with glass-shaped walls and wooden triangles arches; she just got back to exploring the south from her spawn point with no luck finding the others. The orange square shaped sunset in the north when she walked into her home, she tapped her bed before chopping down a beef steak, her mind wandering to new places to check but nothing looked familiar and the thought of leaving going the end didn’t strike her as a good idea; what if she did defeat the dragon but nothing happens, what then? She couldn’t dwell on that any longer.

So she crept into bed and hoped to fall asleep, but all she got was the screen fading black and the words:

‘you are sleeping in a bed. To skip to dawn, all players need to be in bed, at the same time’

She watched those words like a curse until a massive amount of growling, groaning, and moaning came from the outside. She tapped the ‘leave bed’ button and stood up to the loud growls.

In the distance, she made out Rav’s player avatar as he ran toward her, yelling her name to open the door because what followed was a herd of Zombie, Creepers, and Skeleton:

Calli opened the door and yelled, “Rav, what the f…” 

…But this is not how the story begins. Let’s go back to the start…

That massive black hair clouded his face as he stared at the blonde pixie who looked like a princess out of an anime story in her uniform and he looked like the dark monotone anime boy who would fall for her, Calliope sighed at the couple missing the glared the black-haired boy was giving the blonde girl. Calliope hadn’t considered herself the pretty one, but she was ok to look at with her reddish brown afro of hair was tame in boho braids for school, her wide hips and heavy chest got unwanted attention, and horrible rumors about her morals too, her tiny nose and almond-shaped hazel eyes made her face look small, these sat on top of full lips that gave her that bitch face look; how she wishes for the delicate look that the blonde pixie held, but sadly she didn’t have them.

“you’re staring again” Andani stepped next to her friend, her deep umber skin and black hair in two fluffy ponytails sat at the back of her head like two golden balls of puff.

Calli shook her head. “no I am not” with eyes still staring at the monolid-eyed boy.

Andani stepped in front of Calli. “Have some class woman, you are openly gawking at the poor boy, what will your strong ‘hear me roar’ women would say about that?” Calli gave her a death glare.

She threw her bag over her shoulder and turned away from the boy, heading to their homeroom “they would say to not go after a boy I know nothing about and focus on world domination, in the nicest way possible” Calli nudge her friend with her shoulder “or they will say that I shouldn’t put my hopes onto emotionally unavailable men” Andani stopped in her tracks.

With a finger raised “hey, now, Danny is a good guy, I knew him all my life which means” the boho-haired girl rolled her eyes “I know he is emotionally available but he is just shy” they stepped into the classroom and aimed for their seats at the back “plus, you are not taking the initiative to ask him out, you are a full-blown feminist but you are waiting on the man to make the move” Calli raised her finger at her friend.

She shook it as she landed into her seat “first of all, I am an intersectional feminist” Andani raised her hands in surrender “and secondly, me not asking him out isn’t a feminist problem, it is an I’m shy and don’t want to die of humiliation problem, the boy is a stone wall and the fact the blondie mac pixie is all up in his face is discouraging” Calli leaned into my bag to get my sketchbook.

Andani sat on the desk facing me “well, I think you should grow a pussy and take that blonde preppy bitch down” Calli glared at her for talking down about a follow woman “I mean that in the most feminist way possible” Calli shook her head with a smile before digging for her drawing supplies.

Aarav, a golden tawny boy with wild curly black hair and a sharp thin face, jumped onto the table in front of the two girls followed by Calli’s storm cloud of a crush “hey Andi, Sweet cheeks” he shoved Calli’s head which earns him a smack on the head by Dan “hey!” Aarav complained as he fixed his mess of hair.

Calli finally found her drawing supply but as she sat up, the boho hair girl was faced with those coal-black eyes that pulled her in and made a golden maroon blush appear on her skin so she dumped her head further in her bag to avoid the embarrassment but all Dan did was smile at the action and try to move the conversation away from the round-faced girl:

“So” he clapped his hands together, “still up for Friday?” The boy turned his attention to his best and childhood friend, Andi, when Calli’s head popped back up, and Dan knew instantly why Andi became her friend, that smile, Andi loves to protect anything as pretty as that.

“Friday?” Calli looked at Andi, who grew a suspicious smile.

Andi suddenly turned timid “oh, fuck, I forgot that I promised Calli I would hang out with her, shit” she slapped her knee, Calli just stare at her weirdly “sorry, babe, I forgot I promised we would play the updated Minecraft next Friday and try to get to the end but ugh” Andi expressed as Calli raised her finger to interrupt her friend to tell her that they didn’t have any plans but Andi ignore her “but hey, here’s a suggestion, what if Calli joins, she is excellent brewer and enchanting which we need for the ender dragon battle” the attention was brought to the shy girl who didn’t like being looked at.

Rav slapped her shoulder “yea, man, we got ourselves an enchantress” he beamed, while Dan looked a bit taken aback.

Calli raised her hands in the struggle, sensing what she thought was discomfort at Andi’s unbridled invitation “I don’t want to intrude on your plans” Andi interrupted by standing up in her seat with her finger raised.

She placed her hands together “I am just gonna say it” the group stared at her “ Dan sorry but Calli doesn’t like you” Dan and I let out a ‘what’ as we stare at Andi “she hates that you take too much of my time and I always cancel on her so if you want to mend this precious thread between us, you will have to invite her to play Minecraft” she held her chest in her perfect dramatic air while Calli rolled her eyes but Dan just stares at with no expression behind his eyes.

“Sure,” he said as he moved to leave our table, but Andi spoke up again.

“but I work till six on Friday so I can’t pick Calli. Danny boy works just down the road from you so he can pick you up, yea?” Calli couldn’t believe the mischief her witch of a friend was cooking up.

She was so infused in the eye argument that Calli and Andi were having that she didn’t realize Dan had handed his phone to her “put your number in here and we can set-up times, where do you work?” he was so monotone that it seemed like he was just being polite for Andi’s sake. 

Calli shakingly put her number into his phone “The Ugly Duckling on…” before she could finish the sentence for her.

“On Nottingham road, I know it. See you Friday” she watched his perfect design walk before turning to Andi who pretended that someone was calling to get away from the conversation.

© Novel Dumre