

"Dreams From The Past"...1980-2020
When I was young I had dreams but
more like visions seeing the FUTURE.
It's like traveling to another world or
somewhere from beyond my imagin-
ation..It started like I was in a town
where it was like a ghost town..There
we're empty buildings, stores,houses
and even the PARK..

I came to a building where I thought I
seen a woman whispering to me..But I
couldn't barely here what she was say-
ing..Clearly I thought she said RUN and HIDE, for what..I started looking
around and didn't see anything.

And to the corners of my head, there
was these thing weird like his skin is
being ripped out of his skinned..I was
so frightened that I froze and didn't know what to do..All of a sudden the
creature saw me and yes I started running..

I was running so fast it felt like slow
motions..That I was about to jump in
a PORTAL..,which I did and took me back to where I was playing hide'n
seen with my sister's..But this time people were walking strange and scar
on there face..They started looking right at me..I didn't know what to do
until a man with a long white mushstache, more like a wizard..He said "what was I doing here in this part side of the world. I told him that
me and my sister's were playing HIDE

He said this world is full of Monster's almost like shape shifter, they can
change into different form..I was scared and asked the man how to get
out..He said down the block you'll see
a bonsai trees, greener as can be..The
greenish tree you'll ever see..I was like
so bright..

I started walking towards the streets
and watching how they walk, there face looks so blurry can't even see there face..The more I stared, the time
I'm waisting..I was so curious of what kind of Monster's are these humans or
THING..I finally reaches the tree..The
man said"go through the alley and it will bring you back to where I was.. I
started walking towards the alley where I can see the lights, the beach and coconut tree's..And finally I saw my sister's..

My sister said"where did I go"..She
and she was looking for me almost an
hour or too..I told her that I hid on back of the bushes and lean on the wall and suddenly I ended up somewhere dark,gloomy, like no lights
or kids playing, people walking slow motion, and there faces was blurry like
they were about to turn into ashes or
puff like dark ashes,..Felt like there not real..

While I told my mom the stores, she said there's PORTAL like passages to
a different dimensions..I told her I had a dream like that..To where a round circle metal like and a round clearly glass dome..The man from nowhere
said get in and I have to save you all..
It was so weird when everyone got on the ship, it's like we left a world that
wasn't there or a illusion of our fig of
imagination..That we came upon a place where you don't exist,erases
your memories, deleted your thoughts
of everyone you love..and started a new day in another WORLD of my
"Resistance to another FUTURE "m.It's constantly repeat it's self over
and over and over again..

The only way this dream disappeared
from my thoughts was weird,..cause I saw stars beyond outside of the earth.
If it was like a bright light just change
My thoughts and made and deleted it
with new memories..

I don't remember waking up cause my mom said that I was running so fast in my dreams,..that I felt like I fell in a blackhole..neither or less I hit my legs
on a dresser cabinet which woke me up and couldn't remember the dream I
had..like I said weird and can't explain what this dream is telling me..

Quote: dream a little dream,maybe my
imagination of the FUTURE or just
dreams of illusions that will come true
or a VISION to another where time can't tell, is another story to tell..

written by: MaryJean Herrera
1980-2020 of MARCH 22...