

Why am I always complaining
hey you you wanna know why your doomed heres why your a curious fool here's why so the nation can duel
got Tom tommy Thomas tool
and I ain't the last of the lonely
and I aint the only one crying
sometimes I say too much
isn't that why I'm dying
fuck the numbers and the useless muse got number heavy metal fuse
and your here becaus you thought you was being cool
fuck numbers fuck blaming fools
play games to lose
here you are and your wearing your great coat
man alive here to die like a scape goat
here I am I came to be a man better late then never ever then good fortune to send
I'll pray for you prayers still mean something
wishing the bitching was gone
but I see how I'm stupid
and I'm praying you do it
take care of the useless
the useless tried to make you rich
now I'm gonna dig a useless ditch