

What lies ahead of you in life next chapter 2023
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic regardless of entry into the new year 2023


The year 2021 was the first year of the new century. It is the year of change.

Did you know that, the year 2021 was expected to be a year of transition from the new century which was the time of change, and that was 2020 as the time of transition from the old to the new.

Did you know that in the year 2021, the world was expected to be different.

The world was expected to change.

The world was to become more open, more transparent, more democratic, more inclusive, more tolerant, more diverse, more open to new ideas, more creative and accepting of new ways of thinking, more willing to accept new ways to live by people and every creatures in nature.

In this new world, the old ways are expected to begin fading slowly.

And by the year 2022 it was the next big thing in the world of sports. It was assumed to be the year of the end of the world, i tell you it was the year that the world ends as we know it.

The world will be destroyed by anther planet of which people were afraid of which planet that was said to be about 50million miles and extending near planet earth 🌎 there would be no more life, just imagine that there would be no more people and everything would be gone by then?

But, why do Astronauts be so scary to that extent or would it be a good thing because, it would be a great time to end the world?

Would it be the perfect time for such predictions to come to pass? Now that another year is coming and that is 2023. What are they going to pretend predicting on behalf of the creator of the special Universe?

The Year 2023 is a new year’s eve event that will take place immediately after the Christmas 🎄 celebration (the birth of Jesus Christ) yearly December 25th, after that then, on the eve of December 31st 2022, the next day one is of January 2023. A happy new year.

Hopeless accidents happen occurred during the entry into the new year.

The 1st day of the Year 2023 will also be the first event of the year that will be held as usual, 1st January is the virtual uttering up of a new year same thing will be as 2023 approaches, and will be a celebration of a new year too.

The event will be hosted by the Yearning yearly Corporation, and it will be an event that is expected to be a huge success for many people who always draft a plan either they Acheive it or not.

Expect alot of odd political conflicts like violence within political parties, fighting within a nation or with a neighboring countries, blood shed, beginning 2023 to 2026. Even some are already happening right from the start of this year 2022 for example from Iraq to Kabul, Afghanistan, from Ukraine to China and Taiwan, now whistleblower is now Palestine.

Now talking of success and acheivements; i mean to hope and trust that everything by faith MUST acheive,that is the reason why many people will celebrate 2023 in different styles.

Many people shall keep home not moving anywhere, anticipating that 2023 will be a mythical era of what happened by the start of another century that was the year 2000's, meanwhile, others go to night clubs boozing overdose ushering into the new year, others by faith go to worshipping places like the born again faith, protestants or the Anglicans, the Catholic Orthodox faith, seven day Adventist faith, the Jehova witness faith, the Islamic Faith not forgetting that Pagans will do their own too in many ways of meditation.

Such a day always caused alot of questions about excitement and depression accompanied with violence in the families and communities.

While the rich feast on very well with family friends on good food, dressed in nice new clothes for the rich meanwhile, the poor undermine the day or pretend to mostly forego with prayers some of such much celebrated days .

Some people end up with medical histories like stomach aches after over eating food such as food poisoning, peptic ulcers diseases, diarrhea, where's some end up involved in violence causing surgical histories like head injuries being Hit with a broken peace of glasses, beer bottles, knifes even gunshots mostly in United States of America, Europe and other crime cases.

Such has always prompts security organs in every part of the universe to be on a high alert for example in Uganda security organs like the United Peoples Defence Forces, Police, the Black mumbled, police for traffic ⛔ department, CCTV security camera systems, including the so called Local defense unity forces, the local councils always are been informed by their own spokes person's on how to deal with such uttering into a new year. Expect similar thing this year. Because it's a day as usual and what causes them do such is because there are some special security regarding occurrences like Fireworks that are usually controlled within specific period of time either 5-10mins or more adding to the rate of excitements above.

It is expected that the Year 2023 will be one of the biggest events that will ever take place once a while in that year. The events that are expected to take place at the year are as below,

The year 2023 is a big one for the world of gaming, sports, technology, It’s the year that the Xbox One launches, and the PlayStation four launches.

It is also the year when the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are both discontinued, it's a year whereby mobile and tech companies for example google is the best introducing more features in the best and latest Google pixel 7 and Google pixel 7Pro phones, tablets, with Google Introducing Google Pixel Watch; pronouncing Our first watch built inside and out that brings together helpfulness and convenience from Google and Fitbit’s best health and fitness features, all in a beautiful new design Oct 06, 2022, itel, Techno, iphone, Infinix, LG, Hisense, Hitachi, nu, Amazon, Microsoft, increased cyber securities and other internet platforms are expected to be among the first most booming online businesses starting the end of this year 2022 and early next year 2023.

It’ll be interesting to see how the gaming, sports industry responds to this.

Will the Xbox and PlayStation continue to dominate the market, or will the PC and mobile gaming take over?

The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are both very powerful consoles, and they’re both very expensive.

The Xbox One is USD 500, and it would be hard to argue that it will easily diminish but rather it is expected to shoot higher than the above cost yet computer games and mobile gaming is also on the rise too, i won't wait anymore in'salah !

I’m not going to lie, I’ve been a little bit disappointed in the past few months.

I have been working on a lot of things, and i have been trying to get things done but i realized I wouldn't since we are counting down only around 402 days from 1st October to the end of the year 2022.

I have a lot to do, it’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I thought I would be able to get everything done, but i have been having a lot more trouble than I expected.

This is a good thing, because I am not sure I have ever been more excited like this as 2023 approaches. I am so strong in faith that i will achieve by 2023.

The year 2023 is approaching and the world is preparing for the arrival of the new century. The world is also preparing for a new era of technology. The new era is expected to bring a lot of changes in the world. The changes are expected to be a lot more than what we have seen in the past.

The technology is expected not only to change the way we live but also to change our way of thinking. The way we think is expected by the world to change. The change is expected in the way people think and the way they live. The people are expected by many to change their way of living.

Now one question
reflecting on the experiences that have shaped you. No matter what, though, it's important to take the time to reflect on your roots—because they are a fundamental part of who you are.

As you look back on your roots, what do you want to share with others? It could be something as simple as a family recipe or as profound as your ancestors' story of resilience in the face of hardship.

Whatever it is, recognizing and sharing your roots can be incredibly powerful. It can help you connect with your community, build your self-identity, and even find your place in the world. So don't keep it to yourself share your story with the world and let others learn from your experiences!

When you take the time to reflect on your roots, it can help you to grow and become the person you are meant to be. Yes, your roots might be messy and complicated, but they are also a part of what makes you unique.

Take some time to think about your roots, where they come from, who is in them, and what they mean to you. Write down your thoughts, or even create a visual representation. The more you reflect on your roots, the more you'll learn about yourself.

Remember, it's okay to be proud of your roots they make you who you are. Embrace them, and let them help guide you on your journey through life.What will you do with your newfound understanding of your roots? Will you share them with others? Will you use them to help you make decisions? however you choose to use your roots, remember that they are a part of what makes you the amazing person you are today.


Introduction #health-interbention

Why i researched about this topic is because, i always sit down and try to take time like 5mins and look at the wall paint and ask alot of questions why every house has different paintings, but do local consumers understand why they opt for the that specific paint colour?

You might be surprised to learn what's really hiding behind your house paint.

There's more to it than just esthetics. Paint serves an important purpose - it protects your home from the elements. But not all paint is created equal. Some paints are better at protecting against moisture and humidity, while others are more resistant to scratches and fading.

When it comes time to repaint your home, it's important to choose the right type of paint for your needs. Not sure where to start? We spokewill can help.

In this post, we'll take a closer look at the different types of paint and how they can benefit your home.

The Dangers of Lead Paint

You might not have given it much thought, but the paint on your walls could be putting your family's health at risk. That's because lead paint is still common in homes built before 1978.

Lead can cause a variety of health problems, from behavioral problems to seizures and even death.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as recommends by Centers of Disease control work wide that all children at 6 years and under be tested for lead poisoning.

If you think your home might have lead paint, it's important to get it tested.

The good news is that there are ways to fix the problem, and it doesn't have to be expensive. So don't wait check out more information any website does provide also spokewill isn't the best health research blog site 🙏

How to Test for Lead Paint

If you're wondering if your house has lead paint, there are a few simple tests you can do to find out. One is the scratch test. All you need is a coin and a piece of the paint in question. Rub the coin over the paint, and if the paint rubs off on the coin, it's likely that it contains lead.

Another test is the tape test. Apply some masking tape to the paint in question, and then rip it off. If the tape pulls any paint off with it, that's another sign that the paint might contain lead.

Both of these tests are easy to do and don't require any special equipment. You don't have to take your paint samples to the laboratory center.

So if you're at all concerned that your house might have lead paint, these are two tests you can definitely try at home.

You won't find this information on any of the painting companies please because they would think that they are going to loose customers, but we spokewill are informative and tell true stories. We request for pardon where necessary.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

What to Do if You Have Lead Paint on you wall?

If you have lead paint in your home, here's what you need to do:

Get a professional to test your paint. This is the only way to know for sure if you have lead paint.

If you do have lead paint, hire a professional to remove it. Don't try to do it yourself it's not worth the risk.

Once the lead paint is gone, repaint your walls with a nontoxic paint.

Lead paint is a health hazard, so it's important to take care of it as soon as possible. Don't wait the sooner you get it removed, the safer you and your family will be.

How to Remove Lead Paint?

Once you've determined that your house paint contains lead, it's time to take action.

And the good news is that there are a few ways to remove lead paint.

One way is to use a heat gun. This will soften the paint so that you can scrape it off. Just be careful not to damage the underlying surface.

Another way is to use a chemical stripper. But be warned these can be dangerous, so it's important to read the instructions carefully and always wear protective gear.

The best way is to hire a professional. They have the experience and the equipment to get the job done safely and effectively.

How to Prevent Lead Poisoning.

Chances are, you're unaware of the secret that's hiding behind your house wall paint. It's something that can cause lead poisoning, and it's something that you need to be on the lookout for.

Lead poisoning can affect anyone, but it's especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent it from happening in your home.

The first step is to get your home tested for lead paint.

If you find that there is lead present, you'll need to get it removed right away. You can do this by hiring a professional or by using a DIY (do-it-yourself) kit.

In addition to getting your home tested, you should also take steps to prevent lead from coming into contact with your family members especially young children under the age bracket of 6 years.

This includes washing hands and toys regularly, and keeping windows and doors closed when painting or doing construction work.

The Dangers of Asbestos.

You might not know this, but asbestos is still present in many homes today. You can find it in wall paint, roofing shingles, and even floor tiles.

The problem with asbestos is that it's a known carcinogen. That means it can cause cancer.

And while it's not always easy to identify asbestos meaning Asbestos refers to a group of fibrous minerals used to strengthen and fireproof materials. When inhaled over long periods of time, asbestos fibers become trapped in the body and cause diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis in the Google dictionary, it's definitely something you won't want to get checked out if you think it might be present in your home. Not a good thing at all.

The good news is that there are ways to remove asbestos safely. So if you're ever unsure about the safety of your home, be sure to consult with a professional.


So, what's really hiding behind your house paint? Are you brave enough to find out?

Get a concern about it with a strong awareness message from spokewill and do something about your paint choices to prevent diseases like Asthma, lung infections when leads are inhaled lastly cancer 🦀 the number one silent killer int the whole world 🌎

Always make sure you take ke a closer look at your walls and see if you can spot any of the following guests; below 👇🏻





If you see any of these things, it's time to call in a professional.

Contact your local exterminator or renovation company to take a closer look and get rid of any unwanted guests above hiding behind your paint.

In conclusion,

Your house paint is hiding a lot more than just color as you think it being nice and neat so you admire it.

There could be mold, bacteria, algae, and pests lurking behind those walls.

If you see any of these things, don't try to take care of the problem yourself. Call in a very professional to help you out.

Exterior house paint does more than just protect your home from the elements. It also helps to keep your family safe from harmful toxins, bacteria, and pests.

When it's time to repaint, don't just choose any color take the time to research as spokewill has given you the awareness on what's really hiding behind your house wall paint color.🙏


I’m not a big fan of bras, but I'm not opposed to them" do men feel ok with that?

Hey Spokewill.com, I have two questions to ask;

1)-"I’ve been wearing a bra for over a year now. I’m not a big fan of bras, but I”m not opposed to them" do men feel ok with that? I just don’t like them.

2)-"Why do men complain of miniskirts?

Let's start with question 1.

I don”t know. I mean i don“t know why women put them on. I think it’s because they want to look good. I know that’ll be the first thing that comes to mind.

I think it has to do with the fact that women are more comfortable in their own skin. They’re more comfortable with bras meanwhile others don't.

I won't lie, before i usually see some women and girls hide anything important like money, bank cards, under the bra. And this i believe some of the women are doing it till date, some said it helped them not to be carrying any bags at all when going for a simple shopping 🛒.

The first time I saw a woman in a bra was in a magazine.

I was in my early teens and I was reading a magazine called “Boys’ Life”. I had just turned 15 and I had been reading the magazine for a few months. I remember reading an article about a woman who had just had a baby and she was wearing a bra. I thought to myself, “Wow, that’s a pretty big deal.” I was a little confused because I had never seen a woman wear a bra before. I didn’t know what to think. It was fascinating by the way the women in the magazine looked. I wanted to be like them. I had a dream of being a model. I would go to the beach and pose for the camera. I dreamed of being on the cover of a magazine and being paid for it. I never thought I would be able to do it with a bra. There and then i lost interest.

There is a very good friend of mine. He is a great guy, and he is a really good friend. He has a very nice personality, and I love him. He’s a very funny guy, but he’ll tell you the truth. He doesn’t lie. He tells you the whole truth

He’d been in the military for a long time, and then he got out. He was in the Army, and they were in Somalia. He got out, and his wife was pregnant. He had a baby girl. He came back home and asked her why don't want bras anymore since our last video 📸 call?

She answered i don't like them bras simply because i am seated home i don't go anywhere so why don't i do freestyle simple dress that gives me peace of mind, and i feel alot of heat at times, then i always feel itching after removing off the bra.

She continued saying;

I was a very shy and reserved person.

I didn’t like to speak to people., always felt like I was the odd one out. II’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been a woman for so long, or if it is because I am a woman, but I have a hard time with brass.

I‘ve never been one to wear on a bra for the rest of my life but when I do, I”m always a little bit embarrassed.

I don’t know why. I just don”t like them bras I think it”s because they’re so revealing. I mean, I don"t know. I guess I just feel like I“m not wearing a bra that’ll cover upfront and be visible to everyone else who eye's at me severally for long that's where my suspicion is, does this mean i have been a woman with breasts by mistake, why do i feel nagged when i put on a bra, does it mean i have low self esteem?

I’m not sure if this is a new trend or not, but I’ve noticed that men are more likely to be biased against women who wear miniskirts.

This is a trend that I‘ve noticed in the past few years. I”m not really sure why this is happening, but it’s something that I have noticed.

I have noticed that women who are wearing miniskirt are more often being criticized by men.

This has been happening to me for a while now.

I always feel antagonized when i see a woman putting on a miniskirt and the worst is when she happens to bend ain't it a trendy manner of attraction also?

It’ll be interesting to see if this trend continues.

If it does;

Now let's try answering question 2.

"Why do men complain of miniskirts?

This has been a pseudo pathic but the best answer is question to question?

Why men don't admire much of women who wears miniskirt?

Why are men so obsessed with miniskirts?

Why is it so important for women not to wear a miniskirted dress?

Why does a man want to be seen in a mini-suits everytime?

Why can't a man wear a mini-skirt and a woman wear trousers?

What is the difference between a minidress and a mini skirt?

Why should a man be able to wear whatever he wants meanwhile, a woman shouldn't be able to wear whatever she wants?

What's the difference? Why? Why?"

"What's the Difference Between a Mini and other descent women dresses?

Women dresses are a great way to show off your style and personality. There are many different types of women dresses to choose from. You can choose from a variety of different styles and colors. You will find that there are many women dresses that are very stylish and will make you stand out from the crowd.

There are many types of dresses that you can choose to wear. You have the option of wearing a dress that is very simple and elegant. You also have the choice of wearing dresses that have a more casual look. You may also choose a dress with a more formal look.

You can also choose a woman 😂

Women love tights. They love them so much that they wear them all the time. They wear them to work, to the gym, to church, to school, to parties, to weddings, to funerals, to everything.

And they love them even more when they dress up in them.

Trousers are the most popular item of clothing worn by women. They are worn by more women than any other item of apparel.

Women wear tights to work and to school. They also wear them at church and to funerals.

They wear them in the gym and to parties. They even wear them occasionally.

This culture of the West is been copied to other parts of the 🌍 especially my Africa.


Men’s dresses are a great way to dress up your outfit.

They are a versatile piece of clothing that can be worn for any occasion, men’ dress is a great choice for any man who wants to dress in a way that is comfortable and stylish. Perhaps a man's dress is also a great option for men who want to dress casually.

A man dresses up also in a good choice for other men with a large frame to make good sizes to fit.

Men who are tall and have a large build can wear a men’ suit. Men can also wear a suit with a dress shirt and tie.

Men also wear suits with a jacket and tie when they are going out.

Mind you everything in this journey is like moving in a vehicle with all the packages of the secrets known better by you like you and your engine of the vehicle you drive, i will be standing amazed by you enjoying driving forgetting you understand the basic of the principles about the traffic lights either you follow them are not the secrets🚦

Spokewill we are always passionate about your life .
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