

I shouldn't have...
I find myself tossing and turning at night when I think of the previous night's incident. She said no, but I insisted. She suggested it some other time, but I persuaded her to do it now, and I regret it now.
Of course, she has a driving licence, but she is not yet ready to drive. Oh my God, that bend even scared me a lot, let alone her! The road was empty, and I unnecessarily rubbed salt in her wound. Before reaching the turn, I asked her to speed up since it was midnight without any traffic, and the empty road was snaking through a stretch of forest, which triggered my excitement. As we approached the bend, suddenly, out of nowhere, an animal appeared, making her blood run cold and scaring the daylights out of me. It was not just an animal; it was a tiger, and she was like a cat on hot bricks and lost control! The car paved out off the road and hit a mound of sand. Indeed, we survived and are back home safely, but since then, she has never spoken to me.
© Krishnan
#writer #incident #microtale #story