

Once upon a time there lived a city of Zion which was a kingdom. It was known when it comes to war and a lot of city were afraid. The soldiers were bold and did not fear anything.There was a gang in the community known as stealers group.
One day three men from the stealers group attacked a rich man on the street of Zion City and stole a huge sum of money and drove away his car. The man was bold and went to report the incident to the soldiers and other similar cases were also reported, it became alarming and the president of Zion Kingdom Mr. Lawyer Hlotsi Dennis Dela ordered for a meeting whereby they will discuss about "How To Get Rid Of THE STEALERS GROUP" . Upon thier discussion they said, they will go for strong military men to arrest them.
One week later the Commander In Chief enrolled 750,053 soldiers. The next day the men reported at the camp and start training but however the stealers group kept on harrasing the people of Zion City. After four weeks the operation began. There were patrol 24/7 everyday . One faithful day the military men went to the warehouse and fired a bomb that was the end of stealers group. Stay tuned for more!
Thank you!
Author: Hlotsi Dennis Dela
Get ready for part2
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