

Sunderland stay home dad part 2
Sunderland stay home dad part 2
During a sunny my mother decided to send me to the shops for some mix cuts meats from a little family butcher called Ajay butchery™ , the meat there is always fresh and the service is always great . I took my daughter and my little sister for a little stroll under the sun , we dressed up baby and made our way out.
As we arrived at our destination que to the main supermarket choppeies™ was so long we decided to make our way to Ajay butchery™ to buy our ten dollars of mixed cuts , as we walked into the butchery we were met with beautiful smiles and the smell of fresh meat .
We got to the chiller and was served by a kind looking man called Jasper a rugged man with a smile that lit up the room , we asked for our ten dollars of meat bright red fresh meat the best in town by far, we got our meat and went to pay for our meat .
We left happy and satisfied now it was time to get some veggies and soft drinks at choppeis™ supermarket and made our way back home satisfied and happy about our best buys under this dreaded lock down
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