

Dear Charlotte, Emily & Trinity
That day seemed so much like every other day. Little did I know it'd be the worst day of my life. I was 11 that day, The day that I left all my friends. It was at about 1:10 thar everything started to go downhill. A woman named Jamie visited me in the school conference room. i didnt yhink much of it, she just asked some questions about my family and how its going. Close to 3:30 Me and my aunt we appraoched by the principal as i was getting picked up. The principal gave m aunt some sort of letter and we drove off. I dont remember what my aunt said during the drive, or if she aid anything at all. Since that day i didn't go back to school. I was a bit happier, a break from school was nice. But then maybe a week later, I was taken away to a mental-health facility for Nine Months. Then I moved back with my grandma who had moved to Edmonton. I guess I'll never see my friends ever again...

(To My Friends If Your Even Reading This... I really miss you. I've cried about it too many times to count. So, Charlotte, Emily, And Trinity, I really hope we meet again.
Love, Your old Friend, Kaitlyn

© Kaitlyn S