

Life... What is life ? What does means that ?
Everything i said,
A life is a purpose of our lifes is to be happy or positive vives. And a happy life is because of a happy mind or positive environment. There are those, who have learnt the master their mind. Very easily, any thoughts or emotions enter... reject them as unproductive or worthless. And you use positive thoughts that are beneficial, that are uplifting of our inner sence that we create.
On the other hand, who are a small cracked in their mind, they don't realise the gap between the environment and their mind. Because they never controlled their mind and they feel victimized by the situation outside, the behaviour of others. And exactly they right on their emotions.
Apart from these senses and emotions we know that god has given us all many resources, many molestation of negativity to lead the life we choose to. The primary amongst these is the inner machinery called the mind.
How many of you read to this ? Most of us have two eyes, each fitted with 125 million receptor with the help of which we can relish the beauty of the sunrise or sunset at the mountains, the beauty things we analyse. We all have ears, and each ear is fitted with about 30 thousands tubes with the help of which we can hear sound right from 20 hz to 20,000 hz. And we can hear the chirping of birds at the peace of mind. All of us got this super body, with 630 muscles and 206 bones, we have 5 million pain sensor that inform us if something is going wrong.We have got 500 thausand touch sensors, that let us know if your friend bit or slap on your back. Our brain has got a 100 billion neurones.
Notice something,
The super and amezing machinery that we have, then what is missing? That is control of inner machinery called the mind. This mind of yours! if it is controlled, it will become your bestfriend. But it is uncontrolled, it will be the worst enemy ! So, i said that train your mind to deal with all the possible situation that you had or have.

© whorittik