

Cool the Fires Before They Flood
Maybe the world isn't as pretty as we thought it was. Maybe we are fallen to ruin, bleak and dismal in this fading world. We have broken it, and broken ourselves. But we still have a chance.

We cannot allow the human race to become a caldera, we cannot collapse in on ourselves. We must cool the fires before they flood. How?

Carbon emissions. Dreadful. We must use electric cars, not matter how long it takes to charge them. The world is dying.

Pollution. Horrid. We must use less packaging and reuse more than we throw away.

Violence. Fear. We must learn to love more than hate.

Overpopulation. Terrifying. We must limit child birth, allow abortions, adopt before giving birth, and stray from annihilation.

There are many more things I could say, so many more things that we have done to wreck our futures. But we must start small, little by little. Will you contribute to the cause, or will you sit back and watch the world burn?

Now is the time to make your choice.


Or certain death?

© Salem Ferrel, All Rights Reserved