

Hiro gets mind controlled Part 1
Hiro and Tadashi were at school, and from the last story Astrid hirted Hiro, and he still has a bruise on the side of his face. But Mr. Robertson was teaching Tadashi tapped him and Hiro turned around. " Are you okay from last time?" Tadashi asked, " Yeah." Hiro said, * Astrid Shuves Hiro out of his seat* " Hiro, are you were to joke around or are you were to learn?" Mr. Robertson asked, " To learn." Hiro said, * Sits down* " You better pay attention!" Mr. Robertson said, " Yes sir." Hiro said, * Mr. Robertson cuntiniues teaching* Hiro was taking notes and Tadashi was watching him. * Astrid Shuves him out of his seat again* " Hiro Hamada, do you think this is funny?" Mr. Robertson asked, " No, but she-" Hiro said, " I don't want to hear it, do it again and you get detention!" Mr. Robertson said, " Yes sir.." Hiro said, * Sits down* " I hope you get detention." Astrid said, " Astrid, how about you watch your back." Tadashi said, " Hiro come slove this problem." Mr. Robertson said, * Astrid kicks his chair and Hiro falls* " That's it, you earned yourself detention." Mr. Robertson said, " But-" Hiro said, " I don't want to hear it!" Mr. Robertson said, " You don't understand." Hiro sakd, " That's it priceipals office now!" Mr. Robertson said, * Hiro grabs his stuff and leaves* " This is what happens if you disrespect me." Mr. Robertson said, * With Hiro * " Astrid was doing those things to you?" Mr. Daniels asked, " Yes." Hiro said, * After school* " No no, Hiro you have detention." Mr. Robertson said, " Mr. Daniels said I don't need detention." Hiro said, * Mr. Robertson grabbed him* " Hey what are you doing?" Tadashi asked, " Taking him into detention!" Mr. Robertson said, * Takes him* " Your staying in here all night!" Mr. Robertson said, * Slams the door* " But I didn't do anythin wrong.." Hiro said, * Hiro sobs* Tadashi was looking through the door, and he's seeing his younger brother crying. " He didn't do anything wrong though.." Tadashi said, * Tadashi walks in* " Go away Astrid, you've done enough!" Hiro said, * Hiro looks* " I am so sorry, I have no idea what's goin on with Mr. Robertson." Tadashi said, * Hiro puts his head down and keeps crying* " Mr. Hamada." Mr. Daniels said, * Hiro looks at him* " Go home, I will have a talk with Mr. Robertson. " Me. Daniels said, * They left * " I'm heading to the nurdlab, I'll catch you later.." Hiro said, * Walks over there* " Hey." Fred said, " Hi." Hiro said, Hiro was walking around and someone put a chip on his neak. " What the heck." Hiro said, " I hope you love doing this." Astrid said, * Turns it on* " Have fun getting mind controlled." Astrid said, * Hiro gets mind controlled* " Go home, I will be there." Astrid said, * Hiro walks home* " Hey... Why do you have red eyes?" Tadashi asked, * Hiro doesn't say anything* " Hiro, answer your brothers question." Hiro said, " Why do you have red eyes?" Tadashi asked, * Hiro grabs a knife* " I wish I could tell you, but you won't understand." Hiro said, * Astrid walks in* " You like my new invention? I can mind controll anyone." Astrid said, " You leave him alone!" Aunt Cass said, " Aunt Cass, Aunt Cass, theres something youre not understanding." Astrid said, * Hiro attackes them* " It works." Astrid said, * Hiro freezes* " Ok, that's enough for now." Astrid said, * Turns Hiro back to normal* " Wha..." Hiro said * Drops the knife* " Hiro, it's ok." Aunt Cass said, * Hiro runs into his room* It was the next day, Hiro and Tadashi were getting ready for school. " Ready to go?" Tadashi asked, * Hiro nods* " You can talk to me." Tadashi said, " I know, I just need to be alone after what happened last night." Hiro said, * During class* " Hiro, what is that on your neck?" Mr. Robertson asked, * Reaches his hand out* " Oh no you don't." Astrid said, * Hiro gets mind controlled* " It seems like a chip." Mr. Robertson said, * Hiro squeezes his hand tightly* " Hiro no!" Tadashi said, * Tadashi and the class tries to pull Hiro away* " Hiro let go!!" Mr. Robertson said, * His hand starts bleeding* " Hiro stop!" Bri said. * Astrid turns him back to normal* " I'm am so sorry!!" Hiro said, " Who's mind controlling you?" Mr. Robertson asked, " I don't know." Hiro said, " I'm keeping my eye on all of you." Mr. Robertson said, " Let me help your hand." Hiro said, * Helps him* " Again, I'm sorry." Hiro said, " Don't be." Mr. Robertson said, * During lunch* " Can I sit with you?" Tadashi asked, * Hiro nods* * Sits* " Are you okay?" Tadashi asked, " Yeah, I just have no idea who's mind controlling me." Hiro said, * He gets mind controlled* " Great..." Tadashi said, * Hiro grabs a knife* " Time to take everyone down." Hiro said, " Kill them!" Astrid said, * Everyone stops Hiro* " Dude stop!" Fred said, * tTadashi pulls he chip off* " NO!" Astrid shouted, * Mr. Robertson walks in* " Astrid you are suspended for a month." Mr. Robertson said, * Everyone let's Hiro go* " I should have known." Hiro said, " Someday I will get you!" Astrid said, * After school* " Let's head home." Hiro said, Hiro and Tadashi went home and spend time with Aunt Cass. And hopefully Hiro doesn't get mind controlled again.