

gangster AND Pri3st
Yes dad! I am done.

Huff dad can be annoying how could he expect me to have carried such heavy loads! thanks bro..

Please can you take me to a nearby bar let have some Gin before we go pick him up from office.

Driver: We need some fuel before...
Don't worry when coming back we get it before we go pick my dad from office

Don't just know why everyone is just running up and down up there duo that is non of my business.
Let me just call MDOLLARS let know if his done with the project..

Huff not again his number is off please sir can you take me to MDOLLARS office let me know if I can see him I really need to get those materials from him before..
Who is calling!
Oh thank God it's him
Hello! Hello!! MDOLLARS can you hear me

MDOLLARS : hello please can you come down to my office I have an ongoing event and I would love to see you please...

Mdollars wait are you done with the project? -
MDOLLARS: don't worry just come please

Ok I will be there soon...
Driver to MDOLLARS office please.

What could he be hosting again this time? Well he better have finished my job first..

Before I forget let me just up date my WRITCO APP because I have so many stories to write this weekend.

Yes my name is.........
DRIVER: sir the fuel can't take us to Mdollars office i guess we need to reach the filling station first!

Ok then let's go but you need to be fast please before daddy will start calling
DRIVER: OK! are we still looking for the bar because we are close to one up there

We need to rush just to meet up because we still need to attend Mdollars event and you know how he plays with hot Gins! And I still need to see him before.
DRIVER: Yea I forgot already; please do you know where I can get some story books for my children.... They always lost or tear it while playing I don't really know what to do about this; I keep buying books each time I travel. But I need a nearby store so I can easily get it for them because they don't have anything doing now they are on holiday..
Why not get them a smartphone
DRIVER: they have one already! they use it for playing games

Just download WRITCO APP for them. They will have more than enough interesting books there!
Let me even check if mine has updated.
DRIVER: I think that should be better; let's get the fuel from here.
Ok just fill up the tank because we may visit POP the editor's night show tonight. OK- Driver.

Please let me get some snacks from the store! I just remembered I have not eaten today. Ok- Driver.

Don't even know why those guys are sterling at our motor with such passion it should better not be what am thinking.
Let me quickly get my snacks and get out of this place before......
ONE OF THE GUYS: hello dud!
What wait a minute CHRIS what are you doing here.
Chris was my co- empty head during school days just disappeared just after exam.
CHRIS: I should be asking you that I have been looking at that car since and am like I have seen this car before just to see you here. How far! how are you doing; are you still into movie shooting.

Yes of course since you left I hook up with some duds tha come around and they are really trying their best. I GOT 3 BENZ what are you doing here or do you now got filling station too hahaha
I GOT 3 BENZ was the name we call Chris during school because he always hoped to buy 3 benz once he finishes school
CHRIS: you are not serious! So you still remember that. Am just here for a short movie shoot. Oh meet my crews JACK , BRAVE , CHUKS and DE-MONSTER guys meet my....

DRIVER: excuse me sir we are ready to go please

Just one minute please.

Chris you no what! let's do it this way; am about going to an event before.
So why not.....
CHRIS: don't start again this time you haven't even introduce yourself to my crew and you are about to suggest us following you an event

Not like that Chris I just want us to go have some good time together I know if I leave you here I can't see you again this year...
CHRIS: Like I said we are here for a movie shoot which you may play that your crazy style in.

I still remember you are here for shooting but I guess you are not ready yet why not come so I can be able to leave on time because I know Mdollars will not allow me go once he sees me today. We can do the introduction as well there because he is also one of my crews too. You will love meeting with him trust me.

CHRIS: you always have something to say. It's OK but hope there will be some.....

Hey get in the car let's go we are late already before you...
Oh he is the one calling let's go

Hello! Mdollars am on my way just some miles away from your office.
MDOLLARS: OK just been consigned If you are still coming because we are just about to start and I some important things I would love you do for me please.

Ok but I don't think I would have much time because I will be having some meetings those new members that just registered.
MDOLLARS: I know it will be quick enough

Ok am on my way.
Sorry CHRIS we have to go please as you can see we don't have much time here.
CHRIS: guys let's go with him! that have been him. Always busy
CHUKS: one person has to stay back and wait for others because am sure they might finished their rehearsal before coming and you know when they come we need to start immediately I guess BRAVE stays back.
BRAVE: me alone!

DE-MONSTER: NO with the car keys....

BRAVE: Nice just give me the keys let me go play some cool songs instead; but remember I don't love stories make sure I only miss the environment but any other things should touch down here with you or else.....
CHRIS: it's all right you won't even miss the environment because I will have some videos while coming. And for your own package trust me on that
BRAVE: I believe you bro. Ok see you

Ok guys lets go

Come on Chris you are now bigger than that skinny Chris that I knew those days....

CHRIS: You are joking right! No tell me you just want to pull my legs. Am bigger now and you are!

No Chris am serious you are quite bigger now or has HE meet HIS SHE
CHRIS: you are crazy!! How about Jennifer and your saga then! ..

Ok did you want me to answer first Jennifer or saga?
CHRIS: Jennifer!!!

You such a silly art posted on my wall this already stressed day but you're unlucky this time we are already Mdollars office

Coming up next Friday @hignexxtv 📺

© Highnexx