

Ashes of the Past

In the heart of the Philippines, nestled among lush greenery, lived a young girl named Kiara. Despite the vibrant beauty surrounding her, Kiara's childhood was shrouded in darkness. Her parents' constant fighting and her father's drunken abuse cast a heavy shadow over their humble home. Kiara, the youngest of five siblings, sought refuge with her brothers Cole, Dale, Felix, and Harin in their secret hideout—a hollow in the ancient Nara tree.

Within the safety of their makeshift sanctuary, the siblings found solace in each other's embrace, dreaming of a life filled with love and abundance. Their imaginations painted pictures of feasts and laughter, a stark contrast to their reality of meager meals and tears.

One fateful night, tragedy struck when their father's drunken stumble led to a devastating fire. As flames engulfed their home, Kiara's brothers shielded her from harm, their love serving as a final barrier against the inferno that consumed their parents. Amidst the chaos and anguish, Kiara whispered a desperate plea to a higher power, her voice carrying the weight of their shared sorrow.

"If there is a god, please just this time make our wishes come true. I don't care if we are still poor and our parents will beat us but just just keep us together with my lovely brothers."

As the flames faded and darkness enveloped her, Kiara found herself awakening in a strange new world. Reborn as Princess Sky, she gazed upon opulent surroundings and hoped for a fresh start. However, her hopes were quickly dashed as she realized that her royal status brought only scorn and neglect from her father, the Emperor.

Rejected by her father and tormented by Princess Bethany, Sky's days were filled with loneliness and longing. Only her nanny, Jiya, offered comfort and kindness amidst the cold indifference of the palace. Yet, despite the cruelty she endured, Sky clung to a glimmer of hope—a hope that she would one day be reunited with her beloved brothers.

One day, while wandering the palace gardens, Sky encountered Princess Bethany, whose malicious words cut deep. When Bethany's bullying escalated, Sky found herself defending against the onslaught, only to be met with further rejection from her father.

Heartbroken and disillusioned, Sky retreated to her chambers, her spirit bruised but unbroken. In the quiet of her room, she whispered a silent vow to herself—a vow to never give up hope, to never stop searching for her brothers, and to never let despair extinguish the flame of love burning within her heart.

And so, amidst the echoes of her past and the uncertainty of her future, Princess Sky embarked on a journey of resilience and determination, guided by the enduring hope of reuniting with her beloved siblings and finding solace in the bonds of family once more.

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