

Truth - the way it is.
What is truth , nobody knows actually , what you call truth is just your reality. For Christian's the Jesus is the truth, for Hindus saffron Bhagwa is truth. For a islamic person the Allah is truth. For devotee devotion is truth . For kriya Yogi's the kriya that were performing are truth. For Brahman the yagna and yagas are truth. For a mother /father his/her child is truth. What is truth is just the reality that you are existining in. When you become inclusive with each other then your truth is expanding Asatamo SadhGamaya (the way forward to the truth). If you stand there and say this is my truth. Your truth never expands you'll be there where you are. Once you are there you want to fix boundaries ,want to fence it who knows it, you may want to put a security guard. That's why for nationalists their nation is truth.