

Women safety: Something that has become as a norm in society to be feared about.
Rather destroying the roots of evil we are still focused on washing the leaves.
Raise your voice against that's unusual to normal life, discard the thought, people, activities which objectify women in society. But how can we do that
it's every where on social media, on TV, on OTT, in advertisement, even the most admired songs.
Then we call for women safety when a gross case in famous media houses pop up.
My other concern is that we the society are not actively standing against these evils of society but passively taking women's freedom away, offcourse because of all masked criminals in our society.
The one who do grave crime are criminal , but those are equally criminal who make a woman uncomfortable, insecure and passed comments in various places because of these types of incidents we feel insecure everywhere and to some extent it has fit in subconscious mind of women.

We will learn all type of self defence, we will be Independent women, well aware about society but what about all the evils who waters the roots of those criminals.
Individual's safety should be priority in our nation, Educate the male ego of the society, stop fuelling it.

© Alphaclimber01