

Disquieted Love
Alice took her medicine and sighs. Alex's body laid in prone position near her bed. She gazed into her hands spreaded with her beloved husband's blood. He was not a furious character but an annoyed one who always vexing about her love but for her, his love is disquieting and fear of death. Every night she slept with a knife under her bed but this one was unforeseen.
She remembered his last words"I love u dear,now and forever. I'm here to free you from your pain, distress and suffocation. These pills never give you relief.Death is the only relief from your sufferings and I'm here to help you".
Alice replied"For me, death is monstrous and painful. I'm not ready to die. My crave for life is vast, prodigious and much bigger than your love".
Alice washed her blood-stained hands.
© Minnu Aravind