

"You don't understand the world"
A woman is told all time. A final declaration that you haven't seen the society, you don't understand the world. The final blow to question her own existence, "doesn't she live in this world?", "what is the place called where she struggled, survived and created own niche, if it's not the society and world, then what is it?"
Where is this world, which she has not seen, which she doesn't understand ? Is living in man's group or talking and laughing about system and going around in places day and night, called the real world ?
Then what about her ? She has girls group, they talk about all over world. She doesn't go out in night. In day she dosen't loiter around. She tries for new things, she holds on the circumstances around her, she reasons, she finds solutions in daily life. What's that? Isn't that world ?
She knows that society is good and bad both but still she choose to hold on goodness around her, she choose to look at good side, she choose to hold on the seeds of hope and betterment in her heart, is that wrong ? She choose to try and strive, is that wrong? or just because her choice and conclusions are different from the man mean that she doesn't understand the world.
How many women have believed in those continuous spoken statements that they don't understand the world, they see the world is not their world. Then they chose to live beneath that world created by the words made by the men around them. A world that they never seen. A world that only man can seen.
They shrinked their feminine energy of creation, positivity, hope, light in the sense that they will never see in their lifetime the real world.
They weave a world around them with that energy for themselves and for own children, in believe that this is their world, nothing else. One by one children go out in that world saying that she doesn't understand the real world. Her world keeps falling down with bullets of those statements.

When someday somewhere someone says this is the society of man and woman both, she can't believe, how can it be her when she is told she can't see, she doesn't understand.
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