

I feel in love with a monster
Chapter 1
Mommy!! no!! mommy!! Mommy!!! He is going to hurt me !! mommy help me !! ." babby he won't hurt you it won't take long just a few minutes babby okay, just a few minutes." She said ."mommy no don't ...don't lock the door mommy !!!".
"Thando vuka ( Thando wake up) man it's just a bad dream you starting to annoy me. I wonder what I saw in you," he said
Did he know it was flashbacks, she turned her back at me. My mom let my uncle take my innocence.
" I'm sorry Sizwe".
"no man Thando you always sorry, yes your uncle raped you what must we do. Must the world stop now because you got rape? No man grow up and move on, it happened and you can't change it move on, you were only ten it happened once move on ."
Sizwe's words cut deeper than a knife my husband I married for 5 years, my first love. I sometimes wonder what happened to the sweet sizwe or is it me I'm I overthinking this whole situation maybe he is right. I don't know because no matter how old I get, I never seem to forget that day.
" stop crying you're 25 .khula( grow up)"
I didn't even realise I was crying. I quickly wiped my tears and went to the living room.
...." sleep in the guest room or wherever you want to sleep I don't care, just don't come in my room I'm tired of you." He says shouting.
I made myself something to eat when I was done I went to the guest room. I'm tired of sizwe I can't take it anymore I want to leave but I can't because he threatened me that if I ever leave him, he will kill me and he wants all his dowry money. Now I'm not talking about a few thousands..... I'm talking about millions I don't know where he got that kind of money because we don't live in a mansion. My mom took all that money and spent it on herself. I hate her with everything in me. I'm a lawyer saving up money to start my firm but when I mentioned it, he told me I got everything I want, if I want anything he will provide me. He manipulated me in believing that he is all I need until I realized that he doesn't care about me at all.
My alarm went off and I felt like throwing my phone against the wall, it's time to wake up. I dragged my self off the bed into the shower, when I was done I put lotion on and I wore my blue jeans with a white vest and my knee-high heels with a short denim jacket. I tied my braids into a bun. I must say a baby girl looks sexy today. I made myself some breakfast and quickly ate. Sizwe is playing video games in the living room. He makes noise whenever he plays video games which is okay with me because I'm used to it but at first it used to piss me off.
"so you going to work looking like that ??" he says with a disgust look
"yeah, I think I look pretty fine. ( I'm lying I was feeling myself until he decided break my confidence )"
* He starts laughing*
" yeah neh sihamba si shada (yeah hey we just go around marrying people man)"

With just that he left laughing his a** out. I was so annoyed. I mean I look beautiful, I know I'm beautiful I won't let sizwe get in my head not today hell no! I took my BMW keys I'm tired of the 325 I it draws too much attention. I got in the car and on my way to work I felt something missing .ohh my God how could I forget Brent faiyaz I blasted Brent faiyaz song clouded and started singing along
SPENT LIKE(how much)ten thousand(ten thousand) twenty thousand (twenty thousand )thirty thousand
(thirty thousand )forty thousand( forty thousand)!!!!!!"
Brent faiyaz gets me in feelings I didn't even realise I was already at work. I see the security knocking on my window telling me to switch off the music. I switched off the music.
" any meetings today?" I asked my assistant heading to my office
"you not very busy today you have a meeting with Mr. Zungu at 11:30am then you can go back home I'll handle the rest."
"thank you so much, my love."
Lunga is the best PA anyone could ask for she is always on time and her work is always on point. I love her. She doesn't stress me out at all.
I was bored, I started looking into my next client's cases and started doing some research and I must say the case is not that hectic so I closed my laptop and I see a fine handsome man standing at the corner folding his arms
" I was wondering when you finishing "he briefly smiles
"I'm so sorry. I didn't ' realise you were there, you must be Mr Zungu"
"Nkululeko is fine " he says
* We handshake *
Please take a sit, lets get started. How may I help ?
Well, I'm accused of murder, Mr. Ncube."
"The CEO of Telkom?" I asked
"Did you do it and I need you, to be honest?"
"No, I was at the wrong place at the wrong time and all the evidence is pointing at me."
"okay I see," I say taking down notes.
"So who is the lucky guy? He said looking at my ring."
Sizwe I said rolling my eyes, I took a look at his hands, I saw he doesn't have a ring on. I kept quiet because l find it weird asking my clients about their love lives.
"I'm assuming he's not treating you well?" he says
"So we are done for today, "I say standing up, I'll stay in touch and keep you updated have a good day Mr. Zungu."
"Nkululeko "he says
"Yeah whatever" I say making my way out of my office
* He stood up starring at me smiling ugh what is wrong with this man. I left him and told lunga to deal with him.*