

Gentle Reminder 💡
We all have treasures inside us.
depending on how often they are put to use
they become stronger or weaker.

If used frequently, they effortlessly take up space,
and the better they blend with their surroundings in perfect harmony.

If rarely used, they begin to fade, crumble and gather dust in the same way a forgotten, misused or misplaced object does.

Things are meant to be used to the best of their ability.

You are also meant to be used to the best of your ability.

Think about what that really means....

It does not mean to be a slave.
A pot is not a slave to the plant,
It is fulfilling its purpose.

Used to the best of your ability means you are fulfilling your purpose.
this should feel correct to you no matter how challenging.
Your purpose is your greatest contribution.
honour that before committing to anything else.

© Leila Rose