

Are they real?
Have you ever seen one?
If not, why fear, to the extent of sweating, a being you've never seen?

They play tricks and always at work, planning to haunt, hypnotize and arrest you in belief of their false existence. They're now portrayed in movies, stories and in many sorts of entertainment and it's the image we expect of them.

That is to say; ghosts wear white, they're scary, they're in dreams, walk among us, possess people, have no feelings, they don't eat, or bath and yet never smell. If that's believable, we would be able to smell a ghost that has lived centuries merrily without bathing but they don't smell.

Secondly, if they have no feelings, how is it possible to scare someone well knowing that the person your playing won't freak out? As they portrayed, it implies that they have got feelings. At least weird inhuman feelings. Am of an opinion that they haunt ones who they find lovable because they never jump on anyone although they fear no guns.

Sometimes it's overrated in one's own mind that they heartedly freak out. It's all about BELIEF even about other aspects of life. If you change your belief about something, it's out look from within your mind CHANGES.

To be continued...

© derrecyoy