

Blissful and happy, your hands are well intertwined.
Tossing her in the air, like she’s as light a feather
but you walked past me as if you were pure blind.
What if we switched places, what if I replaced her?

Scrolling through your social media sites,
imagining that picture on the mountains was me, so it will be.
Her faces out of every photo, I will take her place out of spite
hmm, hm, hmmm, it is now time, close your eyes, go to sleep.

Oops I got your nose, and now I got your finger.
Slipped the ring off, slipped the ring on, who would know?
Usually quiet, finally tied you up, because you want to be a singer.
He helped me dig and dig, we let you rest six feet below.

I told you not to resist, I told you I’d win,
how would they know the difference, my twin.

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