

The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.He opened the email,he shivered and tears rolled down his cheeks as he read the email. " Dear Logan, I hereby invite you to join me in celebrating my two years death anniversary at mercy greek grave yard,on wednesday which is in two days. I can’t wait to see you my dear best friend. Yours truly Adam.”
Logan plucked his phone and called Sarah his girlfriend, whose father is the most powerful necromancer at Hakone. She told him to meet her at the gate of Sayoma in one hour,so she can take him to her father at Hakone.

But then another email came in again, from Adam. He refused to open it. He puts on his shoes and leaves to meet with Sarah. He arrived at the Sayoma gate about twenty minute walk. Behind him comes Sarah, in a black and purple long gown.
“ Hey, are you okay? I know this must be very terrifying, he died two years ago.” Sarah said

“I know, this doesn’t make sense. Why is he after me? And he sent me another email” Logan said

“He did? Is this some kind of prank or something? Did he really die? Sarah asked

“Of course, i was at his funeral. And I remember my handkerchief fell into his pit tomb,when I was helping the pallbearers put him inside the pit tomb. It was sad.” Logan said

“What does the second email say?” Sarah asked

“I have not opened it yet. I don’t want to know, I'm frightened… I don’t want to die yet. I will let your father open it,when we get to him.” Logan said

About twenty-eight minutes later,they arrived at her father’s house. It was a secure environment where only wizards are allowed to live there. Sarah called out her father’s name and the door opened wild. she stepped into the room, Logan followed. The room was warm and filled with red light lamps.It’s a single room with no bed, but a single golden royal chair and a mat on the floor.

They both sat on the mat. A strange strong voice whispered “I rather hear “i don’t miss you” instead of being ignored. He thinks that you’ve forgotten about him,that’s why he wants you to join him. You used to take him flowers every three months but you stopped, so he is reminding you that it is about time you visit him again. But he wants something more than just a flower now... he wants... YOU. ahah( evil laugh )”

To Be Continued...